Welcome to Alchemist

Build server and project support system.

Alchemist is an automated build system based on the awesome Buildbot framework. This web page provides access to results of those automated builds.

List of hosted projects

General information

Python library for event driven data transformations

Homepage https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/deadbeat/doc/development/html/manual.html
Bugtrack system https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/projects/sabu/issues
Primary repository https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/git/deadbeat.git/
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), x86_64, 4.19.0-21-amd64
Python Python 3.7.3
Python libraries


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/deadbeat/repo.git deadbeat

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

There are currently no packages in this distribution.

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):

General information

Python library for working with IDEA messages

Homepage https://idea.cesnet.cz/en/index
Bugtrack system https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/projects/idea
Primary repository https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/git/idea.git/
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), x86_64, 4.9.0-8-amd64
Python Python 3.5.3
Python libraries

Build environment for production distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie), x86_64, 3.16.0-4-amd64
Python Python 3.4.2
Python libraries alabaster (0.7.10)astroid (1.6.0)Babel (2.5.3)certifi (2017.11.5)chardet (3.0.4)docutils (0.14)idna (2.6)imagesize (0.7.1)ipranges (0.1.10)isort (4.2.15)Jinja2 (2.10)lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1)MarkupSafe (1.0)mccabe (0.6.1)nose (1.3.7)pip (9.0.1)pkginfo (1.4.1)pyflakes (1.6.0)Pygments (2.2.0)pylint (1.8.1)pymongo (3.6.0)pytz (2017.3)requests (2.18.4)requests-toolbelt (0.8.0)setuptools (38.4.0)six (1.11.0)snowballstemmer (1.2.1)Sphinx (1.6.6)sphinx-rtd-theme (0.2.4)sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)tqdm (4.19.5)twine (1.9.1)typedcols (0.1.13)typing (3.6.2)urllib3 (1.22)wheel (0.29.0)wrapt (1.10.11)


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/idea/repo.git idea

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):

General information

Python library for working with IP addressess

Homepage https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipranges
Bugtrack system https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/projects/idea
Primary repository https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/git/ipranges.git/
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), x86_64, 4.9.0-8-amd64
Python Python 3.5.3
Python libraries

Build environment for production distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie), x86_64, 3.16.0-4-amd64
Python Python 3.4.2
Python libraries alabaster (0.7.10)astroid (1.6.0)Babel (2.5.3)certifi (2017.11.5)chardet (3.0.4)docutils (0.14)idna (2.6)imagesize (0.7.1)isort (4.2.15)Jinja2 (2.10)lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1)MarkupSafe (1.0)mccabe (0.6.1)nose (1.3.7)pip (9.0.1)pkginfo (1.4.1)pyflakes (1.6.0)Pygments (2.2.0)pylint (1.8.1)pymongo (3.6.0)pytz (2017.3)requests (2.18.4)requests-toolbelt (0.8.0)setuptools (38.4.0)six (1.11.0)snowballstemmer (1.2.1)Sphinx (1.6.6)sphinx-rtd-theme (0.2.4)sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)tqdm (4.19.5)twine (1.9.1)typing (3.6.2)urllib3 (1.22)wheel (0.29.0)wrapt (1.10.11)


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/ipranges/repo.git ipranges

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):

General information

Distributed modular SIEM system designed to monitor networks of all sizes.

Homepage https://mentat.cesnet.cz/en/index
Bugtrack system https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/projects/mentat
Primary repository https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/git/mentat-ng.git/
Distributions production (stable)
release (unstable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for release distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), x86_64, 4.19.0-23-amd64
Python Python 3.7.3
Python libraries

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), x86_64, 4.19.0-23-amd64
Python Python 3.7.3
Python libraries

Build environment for production distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), x86_64, 4.19.0-23-amd64
Python Python 3.7.3
Python libraries


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
release unstable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
release unstable release
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/repo.git mentat

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
release unstable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

Latest packages in release distribution (unstable):

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):

Debian repository

Debian repository contains packages for Debian-based systems. There is a separate repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code. We always provide packages only for the latest stable release of Debian system.

Production distribution (stable):

To install the repository please execute following commands:

# Download list file for apt:
wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mentat-production.list https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/deb/mentat-production.list

# Download and install repository GnuPG signing key:
wget -O - https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/deb/mentat-production.gpg | apt-key add -

# Refresh apt cache:
apt-get update

# List all packages available in repository:
grep "Package:" /var/lib/apt/lists/_*mentat*_Packages | uniq

Package list:


Release distribution (unstable):

To install the repository please execute following commands:

# Download list file for apt:
wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mentat-release.list https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/deb/mentat-release.list

# Download and install repository GnuPG signing key:
wget -O - https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/deb/mentat-release.gpg | apt-key add -

# Refresh apt cache:
apt-get update

# List all packages available in repository:
grep "Package:" /var/lib/apt/lists/_*mentat*_Packages | uniq

Package list:


Development distribution (unstable):

To install the repository please execute following commands:

# Download list file for apt:
wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mentat-development.list https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/deb/mentat-development.list

# Download and install repository GnuPG signing key:
wget -O - https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/mentat/deb/mentat-development.gpg | apt-key add -

# Refresh apt cache:
apt-get update

# List all packages available in repository:
grep "Package:" /var/lib/apt/lists/_*mentat*_Packages | uniq

Package list:


General information

Python library for filtering, querying or inspecting almost arbitrary data structures.

Homepage https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pynspect
Bugtrack system https://github.com/honzamach/pynspect/issues
Primary repository https://github.com/honzamach/pynspect.git
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), x86_64, 4.9.0-9-amd64
Python Python 3.5.3
Python libraries

Build environment for production distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), x86_64, 4.9.0-9-amd64
Python Python 3.5.3
Python libraries


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/pynspect/repo.git pynspect

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):

General information

Python 3 script and daemon toolkit.

Homepage https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyzenkit
Bugtrack system https://github.com/honzamach/pyzenkit/issues
Primary repository https://github.com/honzamach/pyzenkit.git
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), x86_64, 4.19.0-6-amd64
Python Python 3.7.3
Python libraries

Build environment for production distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), x86_64, 4.19.0-9-amd64
Python Python 3.7.3
Python libraries


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/pyzenkit/repo.git pyzenkit

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):

General information

Test project

Homepage https://test.project
Bugtrack system https://test.project
Primary repository https://test.project/repo.git
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/test/repo.git test

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

General information

Python library providing typed collections

Homepage https://pypi.python.org/pypi/typedcols
Bugtrack system https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/projects/idea
Primary repository https://homeproj.cesnet.cz/git/typedcols.git/
Distributions production (stable)
development (unstable)

Build environment settings

Following is the description of test and build environment settings for each particular distribution. The project should definitelly work correctly in the same environment.

Build environment for development distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), x86_64, 4.9.0-8-amd64
Python Python 3.5.3
Python libraries

Build environment for production distribution:

System Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie), x86_64, 3.16.0-4-amd64
Python Python 3.4.2
Python libraries alabaster (0.7.10)astroid (1.5.3)Babel (2.5.1)certifi (2017.7.27.1)chardet (3.0.4)docutils (0.14)idna (2.6)imagesize (0.7.1)isort (4.2.15)Jinja2 (2.9.6)lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1)MarkupSafe (1.0)mccabe (0.6.1)nose (1.3.7)pip (9.0.1)pkginfo (1.4.1)pyflakes (1.6.0)Pygments (2.2.0)pylint (1.7.2)pymongo (3.5.1)pytz (2017.2)requests (2.18.4)requests-toolbelt (0.8.0)setuptools (36.5.0)six (1.11.0)snowballstemmer (1.2.1)Sphinx (1.6.4)sphinx-rtd-theme (0.2.4)sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)tqdm (4.17.1)twine (1.9.1)typing (3.6.2)urllib3 (1.22)wheel (0.29.0)wrapt (1.10.11)


Project documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx-doc tool. There is a separate documentation for each project distribution.

production stable browse documentation
development unstable browse documentation

Git repository

Git repository contains separate branch for each distribution:

production stable master
development unstable devel

Please execute following command to clone the repository to your local workstation:

git clone https://alchemist.cesnet.cz/typedcols/repo.git typedcols

File repository

File repository contains packages of various type and other project files and artifacts. Each file in repository is signed using GnuPG and SHA256 hash. There is a separate file repository for each project distribution. Please do not use packages from unstable distribution unless you know what you are doing. If you are regular user, the unstable distribution is not right for you, because it may contain, well, unstable or experimental code.

production stable browse repository
development unstable browse repository

Latest packages in production distribution (stable):

Latest packages in development distribution (unstable):