Source code for idea.valid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, CESNET, z. s. p. o.
# Use of this source is governed by an ISC license, see LICENSE file.

import typedcols
from . import base
import re
import struct
import socket

from .base import unicode

[docs]def Version(s): if s != "IDEA0": raise ValueError("Wrong ID string") return s
[docs]def MediaType(s): if base.media_type_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong MediaType") return s
[docs]def Charset(s): if base.charset_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Charset") return s
[docs]def Encoding(s): s = s.lower() if s != "base64": raise ValueError("Wrong Encoding") return s
[docs]def Handle(s): if base.handle_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Handle") return s
[docs]def ID(s): if base.id_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong ID") return s
[docs]def Timestamp(t): if base.timestamp_re.match(t) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Timestamp") return t
[docs]def Duration(t): if base.duration_re.match(t) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Duration") return t
[docs]def URI(s): if base.uri_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong URI") return unicode(s)
[docs]def ip4_to_int(ip): return struct.unpack(">L", socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip))[0]
[docs]def Net4(s): try: # CIDR notation? net, cidr = s.split("/") except ValueError: pass else: ip = ip4_to_int(net) mask = int(cidr) if not 0 < mask < 32: raise ValueError("Wrong CIDR") return s try: # Range? ip1, ip2 = s.split("-") rng = (ip4_to_int(ip1), ip4_to_int(ip2)) except Exception: pass else: return s # Single IP? ip4_to_int(s) return s
[docs]def ip6_to_int(ip): hi, lo = struct.unpack(">QQ", socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)) return hi << 64 | lo
[docs]def Net6(s): try: # CIDR notation? net, cidr = s.split("/") except ValueError: pass else: ip = ip6_to_int(net) mask = int(cidr) if not 0 < mask < 128: raise ValueError("Wrong CIDR") return s try: # Range? ip1, ip2 = s.split("-") rng = (ip6_to_int(ip1), ip6_to_int(ip2)) except Exception: pass else: return s # Single IP? ip6_to_int(s) return s
[docs]def NSID(s): if base.nsid_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong NSID") return s
[docs]def MAC(s): if base.mac_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong MAC") return s
[docs]def Port(s): int(s) return s
[docs]def Netname(s): if base.netname_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Netname") return s
[docs]def Hash(s): if base.hash_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Hash") return s
[docs]def EventTag(s): if base.event_tag_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong EventTag") return s
[docs]def ProtocolName(s): return s
[docs]def ConfidenceFloat(s): f = float(s) if not 0.0 <= f <= 1: raise ValueError("Confidence out of bounds") return s
[docs]def SourceTargetTag(s): if base.tag_re.match(s) is None: raise ValueError("Wrong Type") return s
NodeTag = SourceTargetTag AttachmentTag = SourceTargetTag idea_types = { "Boolean": bool, "Integer": int, "String": unicode, "Binary": str, "ConfidenceFloat": float, "Version": Version, "MediaType": MediaType, "Charset": Charset, "Encoding": Encoding, "Handle": Handle, "ID": ID, "Timestamp": Timestamp, "Duration": Duration, "URI": URI, "Net4": Net4, "Net6": Net6, "Port": Port, "NSID": NSID, "MAC": MAC, "Netname": Netname, "Hash": Hash, "EventTag": EventTag, "ProtocolName": ProtocolName, "SourceTargetTag": SourceTargetTag, "NodeTag": NodeTag, "AttachmentTag": AttachmentTag } idea_defaults = {} idea_lists = base.list_types(idea_types)
[docs]class SourceTargetDict(typedcols.TypedDict): allow_unknown = True typedef = base.source_target_dict_typedef(idea_types, idea_lists)
[docs]class AttachDict(typedcols.TypedDict): allow_unknown = True typedef = base.attach_dict_typedef(idea_types, idea_lists)
[docs]class NodeDict(typedcols.TypedDict): allow_unknown = True typedef = base.node_dict_typedef(idea_types, idea_lists)
[docs]class Idea(base.IdeaBase): typedef = base.idea_typedef( idea_types, idea_lists, idea_defaults, typedcols.typed_list("SourceList", SourceTargetDict), typedcols.typed_list("TargetList", SourceTargetDict), typedcols.typed_list("AttachList", AttachDict), typedcols.typed_list("NodeList", NodeDict))