Source code for ipranges

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, CESNET, z. s. p. o.
# Use of this source is governed by an ISC license, see LICENSE file.

__version__ = '0.1.10'
__author__ = 'Pavel Kácha <>'

import socket
import struct
import numbers
import sys

except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]class Range(object): __slots__ = () single = int def __len__(self): return self.high() - self.low() + 1 def __eq__(self, other): return (self.low() == other.low() and self.high() == other.high()) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __contains__(self, other): return (self.low() <= other.low() and self.high() >= other.high()) def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.low(), self.high()+1): yield self.single(i) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): return (self.single(self.low() + i) for i in range(*key.indices(len(self)))) else: if key < 0: idx = self.high() + key + 1 else: idx = self.low() + key if self.low() <= idx <= self.high(): return self.single(idx) else: raise IndexError def __repr__(self): return "%s('%s')" % (type(self).__name__, str(self))
[docs]class IPBase(Range): __slots__ = () def __init__(self, s): if isinstance(s, basestring): rng = self._from_str(s) elif isinstance(s, IPBase): rng = self._from_range(s) else: rng = self._from_val(s) self._assign(rng)
[docs] def cidr_split(self): lo, hi = self.low(), self.high() lo, hi = min(lo, hi), max(lo, hi) while lo<=hi: lower_bits = (~lo & (lo-1)).bit_length() size = hi - lo + 1 size_bits = size.bit_length() - 1 bits = min(lower_bits, size_bits) yield, self.bit_length-bits)) lo += 1 << bits
def _from_val(self, v): try: a, b = v return int(a), int(b) except Exception: raise ValueError("Two value tuple expected, got %s" % v)
[docs]class IPRangeBase(IPBase): __slots__ = ("lo", "hi") def _from_range(self, r): return (r.low(), r.high()) def _from_str(self, s): try: ip1, ip2 = s.split("-") return (self.from_str(ip1), self.from_str(ip2)) except Exception: raise ValueError("Wrong range format: %s" % s) def _assign(self, v): self.lo = min(v) self.hi = max(v)
[docs] def low(self): return self.lo
[docs] def high(self): return self.hi
def __str__(self): return "%s-%s" % (self.to_str(self.lo), self.to_str(self.hi)) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.lo, self.hi))
[docs]class IPNetBase(IPBase): __slots__ = ("base", "cidr", "mask") def _from_range(self, r): lo = r.low() mask = len(r) - 1 if (len(r) & mask) or (lo & mask): raise ValueError("%s is not a proper network prefix" % r) return lo, self.bit_length - mask.bit_length() def _from_str(self, s): try: net, cidr = s.split("/") base = self.from_str(net) cidr = int(cidr) return base, cidr except Exception: raise ValueError("Wrong network format: %s" % s) def _assign(self, v): self.base, self.cidr = v self.mask = (self.full_mask << (self.bit_length - self.cidr)) & self.full_mask
[docs] def low(self): return self.base & self.mask
[docs] def high(self): return self.base | (self.mask ^ self.full_mask)
def __str__(self): return "%s/%i" % (self.to_str(self.base), self.cidr) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.base, self.mask))
[docs]class IPAddrBase(IPBase): __slots__ = ("ip") def _from_range(self, r): if len(r)!=1: raise ValueError("Unable to convert network %s to one ip address" % r) return r.low() def _from_str(self, s): return self.from_str(s) def _from_val(self, r): try: return int(r) except Exception: raise ValueError("Integer expected as IP") def _assign(self, v): self.ip = v def __str__(self): return self.to_str(self.ip) def __int__(self): return self.ip def __hash__(self): return hash(self.ip)
[docs] def low(self): return self.ip
[docs] def high(self): return self.ip
[docs]def ip4_from_str(s): try: return struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, s))[0] except Exception: raise ValueError("Wrong IPv4 address format: %s" % s)
[docs]def ip4_to_str(i): try: return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, struct.pack('!L', i)) except Exception: raise ValueError("Unable to convert to IPv6 address: %s" % i)
[docs]def ip6_from_str(s): try: hi, lo = struct.unpack("!QQ", socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, s)) return hi << 64 | lo except Exception: raise ValueError("Wrong IPv6 address format: %s" % s)
[docs]def ip6_to_str(i): try: hi = i >> 64 lo = i & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, struct.pack('!QQ', hi, lo)) except Exception: raise ValueError("Unable to convert to IPv6 address: %s" % i)
[docs]class IP4(IPAddrBase): __slots__ = () bit_length = 32 full_mask = 2**bit_length-1 from_str = staticmethod(ip4_from_str) to_str = staticmethod(ip4_to_str) if sys.version_info < (3,): def to_ptr_str(self): return ".".join(str(ord(s)) for s in (reversed(struct.pack("!L", self.ip)))) + "" else:
[docs] def to_ptr_str(self): return ".".join(str(s) for s in self.ip.to_bytes(4, "little")) + ""
IP4.single = IP4
[docs]class IP4Range(IPRangeBase): __slots__ = () bit_length = IP4.bit_length full_mask = IP4.full_mask single = IP4 from_str = staticmethod(ip4_from_str) to_str = staticmethod(ip4_to_str)
[docs]class IP4Net(IPNetBase): __slots__ = () bit_length = IP4.bit_length full_mask = IP4.full_mask single = IP4 from_str = staticmethod(ip4_from_str) to_str = staticmethod(ip4_to_str) = IP4Net = IP4Net = IP4Net
[docs]class IP6(IPAddrBase): __slots__ = () bit_length = 128 full_mask = 2**bit_length-1 from_str = staticmethod(ip6_from_str) to_str = staticmethod(ip6_to_str)
[docs] def to_ptr_str(self): return ".".join(reversed("%016x" % self.ip)) + ""
IP6.single = IP6
[docs]class IP6Range(IPRangeBase): __slots__ = () bit_length = IP6.bit_length full_mask = IP6.full_mask single = IP6 from_str = staticmethod(ip6_from_str) to_str = staticmethod(ip6_to_str)
[docs]class IP6Net(IPNetBase): __slots__ = () bit_length = IP6.bit_length full_mask = IP6.full_mask single = IP6 from_str = staticmethod(ip6_from_str) to_str = staticmethod(ip6_to_str) = IP6Net = IP6Net = IP6Net
[docs]def from_str(s): for t in IP4Net, IP4Range, IP4, IP6Net, IP6Range, IP6: try: return t(s) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("%s does not appear as IP address, network or range string" % s)
[docs]def from_str_v4(s): for t in IP4Net, IP4Range, IP4: try: return t(s) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("%s does not appear as IPv4 address, network or range string" % s)
[docs]def from_str_v6(s): for t in IP6Net, IP6Range, IP6: try: return t(s) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("%s does not appear as IPv6 address, network or range string" % s)
[docs]def ip_from_str(s): for t in IP4, IP6: try: return t(s) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("%s does not appear as IPv4 nor IPv6 address" % s)