Source code for hawat.blueprints.auth_pwd.test

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unit tests for :py:mod:`hawat.blueprints.auth_pwd`.

__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import unittest

import hawat.const
import hawat.test
import hawat.test.fixtures
import hawat.db
from hawat.test import RegistrationHawatTestCase
from hawat.test.runner import TestRunnerMixin

[docs]class AuthPwdTestCase(TestRunnerMixin, RegistrationHawatTestCase): """ Class for testing :py:mod:`hawat.blueprints.auth_pwd` blueprint. """
[docs] def test_01_login_user(self): """ Test login/logout with *auth_pwd* module - user 'user'. """ with user = self.user_get(hawat.const.ROLE_USER) user.set_password('password') self.user_save(user) response = self.login_pwd(hawat.const.ROLE_USER, 'password') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(b'You have been successfully logged in as' in response = self.logout() self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(b'You have been successfully logged out' in
[docs] def test_02_login_developer(self): """ Test login/logout with *auth_pwd* module - user 'developer'. """ with user = self.user_get(hawat.const.ROLE_DEVELOPER) user.set_password('password') self.user_save(user) response = self.login_pwd(hawat.const.ROLE_DEVELOPER, 'password') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(b'You have been successfully logged in as' in response = self.logout() self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(b'You have been successfully logged out' in
[docs] def test_03_login_admin(self): """ Test login/logout with *auth_pwd* module - user 'admin'. """ with user = self.user_get(hawat.const.ROLE_ADMIN) user.set_password('password') self.user_save(user) response = self.login_pwd(hawat.const.ROLE_ADMIN, 'password') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(b'You have been successfully logged in as' in response = self.logout() self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(b'You have been successfully logged out' in
[docs] def test_04_register(self): """ Test registration with *auth_pwd* module - new user 'test'. """ self.assertRegister( '/auth_pwd/register', [ ('submit', 'Register'), ('login', 'test'), ('fullname', 'Test User'), ('email', ''), ('organization', 'TEST, org.'), ('justification', 'I really want in.'), ('password', 'password'), ('password2', 'password'), ], { 'txt': [ 'Dear administrator,\n' '\n' 'a new account "test" was just registered in Mentat. Please review the ' 'following\n' 'request and activate or delete the account:\n' '\n' ' Login: test\n' ' Full name: Test User\n' ' Email:\n' ' Organization: TEST, org.\n' '\n' 'User has provided following justification to be given access to the system:\n' '\n' ' I really want in.\n' '\n' 'Account details can be found here:\n' '\n' ' http://localhost/users/5/show\n' '\n' 'Have a nice day\n' '\n' '-- Mentat', 'Dear user,\n' '\n' 'this email is a confirmation, that you have successfully registered your ' 'new\n' 'user account "test" in Mentat.\n' '\n' 'During the registration process you have provided following information:\n' '\n' ' Login: test\n' ' Full name: Test User\n' ' Email:\n' ' Organization: TEST, org.\n' '\n' 'You have provided following justification to be given access to the system:\n' '\n' ' I really want in.\n' '\n' 'Administrator was informed about registration of a new account. You will\n' 'receive email confirmation when your account will be activated.\n' '\n' 'After successfull activation you will be able to login and start using the\n' 'system:\n' '\n' '\thttp://localhost/auth/login\n' '\n' 'Have a nice day\n' '\n' '-- Mentat' ], 'html': [ None, None ] } )
[docs] def test_05_register_fail(self): """ Test registration with *auth_pwd* module - existing user 'user'. """ self.assertRegisterFail( '/auth_pwd/register', [ ('submit', 'Register'), ('login', 'user'), ('fullname', 'Demo User'), ('email', ''), ('organization', 'TEST, org.'), ('justification', 'I really want in.'), ('password', 'password'), ('password2', 'password'), ] )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()