Source code for hawat.blueprints.dnsr

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This pluggable module provides access to DNS service. It is implemented upon custom
:py:mod:`` module.

Provided endpoints

    Endpoint providing search form for querying DNS service and formatting result
    as HTML page.

    * *Authentication:* login required
    * *Methods:* ``GET``

    Endpoint providing API search form for querying DNS service and formatting
    result as JSON document.

    * *Authentication:* login required
    * *Authorization:* any role
    * *Methods:* ``GET``, ``POST``

    Endpoint providing API search form for querying DNS service and formatting
    result as JSON document containing HTML snippets.

    * *Authentication:* login required
    * *Authorization:* any role
    * *Methods:* ``GET``, ``POST``

__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import flask
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext

from mentat.const import tr_

import hawat.db
import hawat.const
import hawat.acl
from hawat.base import HawatBlueprint
from hawat.view import RenderableView
from hawat.view.mixin import HTMLMixin, AJAXMixin, SnippetMixin
from hawat.utils import URLParamsBuilder
from hawat.blueprints.dnsr.forms import DnsrSearchForm

"""Name of the blueprint as module global constant."""

[docs]class AbstractSearchView(RenderableView): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,abstract-method """ Application view providing base search capabilities for DNS service. The resolving is implemented using :py:mod:`` module. """ authentication = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_view_title(cls, **kwargs): return lazy_gettext('Search DNS')
[docs] @classmethod def get_menu_title(cls, **kwargs): return lazy_gettext('Search DNS')
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[docs] def dispatch_request(self): """ Mandatory interface required by the :py:func:`flask.views.View.dispatch_request`. Will be called by the *Flask* framework to service the request. """ form = DnsrSearchForm(flask.request.args, meta={'csrf': False}) if hawat.const.FORM_ACTION_SUBMIT in flask.request.args: if form.validate(): form_data = dnsr_service = self.response_context.update(, form_data=form_data ) try: self.response_context.update( search_result=dnsr_service.lookup( ) ) except Exception as exc: self.flash(str(exc), level='error') self.response_context.update( search_form=form, request_args=flask.request.args, ) return self.generate_response()
[docs]class SearchView(HTMLMixin, AbstractSearchView): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors """ View responsible for querying DNS service and presenting the results in the form of HTML page. """ methods = ['GET']
[docs] @classmethod def get_view_name(cls): return 'search'
[docs]class APISearchView(AJAXMixin, AbstractSearchView): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors """ View responsible for querying DNS service and presenting the results in the form of JSON document. """ methods = ['GET', 'POST']
[docs] @classmethod def get_view_name(cls): return 'apisearch'
[docs]class SnippetSearchView(SnippetMixin, AbstractSearchView): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors """ View responsible for querying DNS service and presenting the results in the form of JSON document containing ready to use HTML page snippets. """ methods = ['GET', 'POST'] renders = ['label', 'full'] snippets = [ { 'name': 'hostnames', 'condition': lambda x: x.get('search_result', False) } ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_view_name(cls): return 'sptsearch'
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[docs]class DnsrBlueprint(HawatBlueprint): """Pluggable module - DNS service (*dnsr*)."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_module_title(cls): return lazy_gettext('DNS service')
[docs] def register_app(self, app): app.menu_main.add_entry( 'view', 'more.{}'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME), position=10, group=lazy_gettext('Data services'), view=SearchView ) # Register context actions provided by this module. app.set_csag( hawat.const.CSAG_ADDRESS, tr_('Search for address <strong>%(name)s</strong> in DNS service'), SearchView, URLParamsBuilder({'submit': tr_('Search')}).add_rule('search') ) # Register object additional data services provided by this module. app.set_oads( hawat.const.AODS_IP4, SnippetSearchView, URLParamsBuilder({'submit': tr_('Search')}).add_rule('search').add_kwrule('render', False, True) ) app.set_oads( hawat.const.AODS_IP6, SnippetSearchView, URLParamsBuilder({'submit': tr_('Search')}).add_rule('search').add_kwrule('render', False, True) )
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[docs]def get_blueprint(): """ Mandatory interface for :py:mod:`hawat.Hawat` and factory function. This function must return a valid instance of :py:class:`` or :py:class:`flask.Blueprint`. """ hbp = DnsrBlueprint( BLUEPRINT_NAME, __name__, template_folder='templates' ) hbp.register_view_class(SearchView, '/{}/search'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME)) hbp.register_view_class(APISearchView, '/api/{}/search'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME)) hbp.register_view_class(SnippetSearchView, '/snippet/{}/search'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME)) return hbp