Source code for hawat.blueprints.reports.forms

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This module contains custom event report search form for Hawat.

__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import wtforms
from wtforms_sqlalchemy.fields import QuerySelectMultipleField

import flask_login
import flask_wtf
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext

import mentat.const
from mentat.datatype.sqldb import UserModel, GroupModel
import hawat.const
import hawat.forms
import hawat.db

[docs]def get_available_groups(): """ Query the database for list of all available groups. """ # In case current user is administrator provide list of all groups. if flask_login.current_user.has_role(hawat.const.ROLE_ADMIN): return hawat.db.db_query(GroupModel). \ order_by( \ all() # Otherwise, provide only list of groups current user is member of. return hawat.db.db_query(GroupModel). \ filter(GroupModel.members.any( == \ order_by( \ all()
[docs]def get_severity_choices(): """ Return select choices for report severities. """ return list( zip( mentat.const.REPORT_SEVERITIES, [lazy_gettext(x) for x in mentat.const.REPORT_SEVERITIES] ) )
[docs]def get_type_choices(): """ Return select choices for report severities. """ return list( zip( mentat.const.REPORT_TYPES, [lazy_gettext(x) for x in mentat.const.REPORT_TYPES] ) )
[docs]class EventReportSearchForm(hawat.forms.BaseSearchForm): """ Class representing event report search form. """ label = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Label:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional(), hawat.forms.check_null_character ] ) groups = QuerySelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Groups:'), query_factory=get_available_groups, allow_blank=False, get_pk=lambda item: ) severities = wtforms.SelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Severities:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional(), ], choices=get_severity_choices(), filters=[lambda x: x or []] ) types = wtforms.SelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Types:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional(), ], choices=get_type_choices(), filters=[lambda x: x or []] ) dt_from = hawat.forms.SmartDateTimeField( lazy_gettext('From:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], default=lambda: hawat.forms.default_dt_with_delta(hawat.const.DEFAULT_RESULT_TIMEDELTA) ) dt_to = hawat.forms.SmartDateTimeField( lazy_gettext('To:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], default=hawat.forms.default_dt )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_multivalue(field_name): """ Check, if given form field is a multivalue field. :param str field_name: Name of the form field :return: ``True``, if the field can contain multiple values, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if field_name in ('groups', 'severities', 'types'): return True return False
[docs]class ReportingDashboardForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm): """ Class representing event reporting dashboard search form. """ groups = QuerySelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Groups:'), query_factory=get_available_groups, allow_blank=False, get_pk=lambda item: ) dt_from = hawat.forms.SmartDateTimeField( lazy_gettext('From:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], default=lambda: hawat.forms.default_dt_with_delta(hawat.const.DEFAULT_RESULT_TIMEDELTA) ) dt_to = hawat.forms.SmartDateTimeField( lazy_gettext('To:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], default=hawat.forms.default_dt ) submit = wtforms.SubmitField( lazy_gettext('Search') )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_multivalue(field_name): """ Check, if given form field is a multivalue field. :param str field_name: Name of the form field :return: ``True``, if the field can contain multiple values, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if field_name in ('groups',): return True return False
[docs]class FeedbackForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm): """ Class representing feedback form for reports. """ ip = wtforms.HiddenField( validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), hawat.forms.check_network_record ] ) text = wtforms.TextAreaField( validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3) ] ) section = wtforms.HiddenField( validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=1) ] ) submit = wtforms.SubmitField( lazy_gettext('Send feedback') )