Source code for mentat.datatype.internal

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Internal datatype library.

Library contents

* :py:class:`NetworkRecordIP4`
* :py:class:`NetworkRecordIP6`
* :py:class:`AbuseGroup`

.. todo::

    Documentation needs to be finished.

.. warning::

    Still should be considered as work in progress and alpha code.


__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import re
import time
import random
import string
import datetime
import pprint

# Custom libraries.
import ipranges
import typedcols

NR_TYPE_IPV4 = 'ipv4'
NR_TYPE_IPV6 = 'ipv6'

NR_SOURCE_MANUAL   = 'manual'
NR_SOURCE_WHOIS    = 'whois'


RE_TIMESTAMP = re.compile(r"^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})[Tt ]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(?:\.([0-9]+))?([Zz]|(?:[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}))$")


[docs]def list_factory(name, item_type): """ Default implementation of list factory. """ return typedcols.typed_list(name, item_type)
[docs]def list_types(flavour, cb_list_factory=None): """ Generate list type flavours from given scalar flavour definitions. :param dict flavour: Type flavour definitions :param list_factory: List factory callable :type list_factory: callable or None :return: list flavour :rtype: dict """ if cb_list_factory is None: cb_list_factory = list_factory lists = {} for tpe in ('Integer', 'String', 'DBRefUsers', 'DBRefGroups', 'NetworkRecordOld', 'ReportingFilter', 'SavedQuery'): lists[tpe] = cb_list_factory(tpe, flavour[tpe]) return lists
[docs]def to_net4(val): """ Convert any given value to :py:class:`ipranges.IP4Range`. :param any flavour: Value to be converted :return: Converted value :rtype: ipranges.IP4Range """ return ipranges.IP4Range(val)
[docs]def to_net6(val): """ Convert any given value to :py:class:`ipranges.IP6Net`. :param any flavour: Value to be converted :return: Converted value :rtype: ipranges.IP6Net """ return ipranges.IP6Net(val)
[docs]def gen_sid(): """ Generate random unique subidentifier for :py:class:`NetworkRecord`. :return: Unique identifier 8 characters long :rtype: str """ return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(8))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONVERSION FUNCTIONS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def t_net4(val): """ Convert/validate: Convert anything to :py:mod:`ipranges` IPv4 object class. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: Object representing IPv4 address/network/range :rtype: ipranges.IP4Net or ipranges.IP4Range or ipranges.IP4 :raises ValueError: if the value could not be converted to :py:mod:`ipranges` object """ for tconv in ipranges.IP4Net, ipranges.IP4Range, ipranges.IP4: try: return tconv(val) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("'{:s}' does not appear as IPv4 address, network or range string".format(val))
[docs]def t_net6(val): """ Convert/validate: Convert anything to :py:mod:`ipranges` IPv6 object class. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: Object representing IPv6 address/network/range :rtype: ipranges.IP6Net or ipranges.IP6Range or ipranges.IP6 :raises ValueError: if the value could not be converted to :py:mod:`ipranges` object """ for tconv in ipranges.IP6Net, ipranges.IP6Range, ipranges.IP6: try: return tconv(val) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("'{:s}' does not appear as IPv6 address, network or range string".format(val))
[docs]def t_net(val): """ Convert/validate: Convert anything to :py:mod:`ipranges` IPvX object class. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: Object representing IPvX address/network/range :rtype: ipranges.IP4Net or ipranges.IP4Range or ipranges.IP4 or ipranges.IP6Net or ipranges.IP6Range or ipranges.IP6 :raises ValueError: if the value could not be converted to :py:mod:`ipranges` object """ for tconv in ipranges.IP4Net, ipranges.IP4Range, ipranges.IP4, ipranges.IP6Net, ipranges.IP6Range, ipranges.IP6: try: return tconv(val) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("'{:s}' does not appear as IP address, network or range string".format(val))
[docs]def t_ip_range(val): """ Convert/validate: IP range. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: IP range :rtype: str """ return str(val)
[docs]def t_datetime(val): """ Convert/validate: Datetime. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: Datetime object :rtype: datetime.datetime :raises ValueError: if the value could not be converted to datetime.datetime object """ # Maybe there is nothing to do if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime): return val # Try numeric type try: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(val)) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if str(val) == '': return None # Try RFC3339 string res = RE_TIMESTAMP.match(val) if res is not None: year, month, day, hour, minute, second = (int(n or 0) for n in*range(1, 7))) usec_str = ( or '0')[:6].ljust(6, '0') usec = int(usec_str) zonestr = zonespl = (0, 0) if zonestr in ['z', 'Z'] else [int(i) for i in zonestr.split(':')] zonediff = datetime.timedelta(minutes = zonespl[0]*60+zonespl[1]) return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, usec) - zonediff raise ValueError("Invalid datetime '{:s}'".format(val))
[docs]def t_dbref(val): """ Convert/validate: Database reference. """ if isinstance(val, str): return val return
[docs]def t_network_record_type_ip4(val): """ Convert/validate: Network record type. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: network record type. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if the value is not valid network record type """ if str(val) == 'ipv4': return str(val) raise ValueError("Invalid type '{:s}' for network record".format(val))
[docs]def t_network_record_type_ip6(val): """ Convert/validate: Network record type. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: network record type. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if the value is not valid network record type """ if str(val) == 'ipv6': return str(val) raise ValueError("Invalid type '{:s}' for network record".format(val))
[docs]def t_network_record_old(val, source = None): """ Dummy convertor for legacy purposes. """ return val
[docs]def t_network_record(val, source = None): """ Convert/validate: Network record. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: network record object. :rtype: NetworkRecord :raises ValueError: if the value is not valid network record """ if isinstance(val, NetworkRecord): return val record = {} # 'network' and 'type' records come mainly from database if 'network' in val: if 'type' in val and val['type'] == NR_TYPE_IPV4: record['nrobj'] = ipranges.from_str_v4(val['network']) record['type'] = NR_TYPE_IPV4 elif 'type' in val and val['type'] == NR_TYPE_IPV6: record['nrobj'] = ipranges.from_str_v6(val['network']) record['type'] = NR_TYPE_IPV6 else: record['nrobj'] = ipranges.from_str(val['network']) if isinstance(record['nrobj'], (ipranges.IP4Net, ipranges.IP4Range, ipranges.IP4)): record['type'] = NR_TYPE_IPV4 else: record['type'] = NR_TYPE_IPV6 # 'ip4_start' and 'ip4_end' come from Negistry whois file elif 'ip4_start' in val and 'ip4_end' in val: record['nrobj'] = to_net4("{}-{}".format(val['ip4_start'], val['ip4_end'])) record['type'] = NR_TYPE_IPV4 # 'ip6_addr' and 'ip6_prefix' come from Negistry whois file elif 'ip6_addr' in val and 'ip6_prefix' in val: record['nrobj'] = to_net6('{}/{}'.format(val['ip6_addr'], val['ip6_prefix'])) record['type'] = NR_TYPE_IPV6 else: raise ValueError('Unknown network record {}'.format(pprint.pformat(val))) record['id'] = val.get('id', gen_sid()) record['network'] = str(record['nrobj']) if record['type'] == NR_TYPE_IPV4: record['ip4_start'] = record['nrobj'].to_str(record['nrobj'].low()) record['ip4_end'] = record['nrobj'].to_str(record['nrobj'].high()) # base and cidr are only available for ipranges.IP6Net elif isinstance(record['nrobj'], ipranges.IP6Net): record['ip6_addr'] = record['nrobj'].to_str(record['nrobj'].base) record['ip6_prefix'] = record['nrobj'].cidr record['first'] = record['nrobj'].low() record['last'] = record['nrobj'].high() if 'netnames' in val: if isinstance(val['netnames'], list): record['netname'] = ', '.join(val['netnames']) else: record['netname'] = val['netnames'] if 'description' in val: if isinstance(val['description'], list): record['description'] = ', '.join(val['description']) else: record['description'] = val['description'] elif 'descr' in val: if isinstance(val['descr'], list): record['description'] = ', '.join(val['descr']) else: record['description'] = val['descr'] if 'source' in val: record['source'] = val['source'] else: if 'feed' in val: record['source'] = source + '/' + val['feed'] else: record['source'] = source if 'abuse_group' in val: record['abuse_group'] = val['abuse_group'] record['is_base'] = val.get('is_base', False) elif 'resolved_abuses' in val: for severity in 'fallback', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'critical': if severity in val['resolved_abuses']: record['emails_{}'.format(severity)] = val['resolved_abuses'][severity] # compute resulting abuse group from all emails emails = [] for severity in 'emails_fallback', 'emails_low', 'emails_medium', 'emails_high', 'emails_critical': if severity in record: emails.extend(record[severity]) if emails: record['abuse_group'] = '_'.join(sorted(map(str.lower, list(set(emails))))) record['is_base'] = val['is_base'] if 'is_base' in val else 'fallback' in val['resolved_abuses'] if 'emails' in val: record['emails'] = val['emails'] if 'rank' in val: record['rank'] = val['rank'] if 'client_id' in val: record['local_id'] = val['client_id'] if record['type'] == NR_TYPE_IPV4: return NetworkRecordIP4(record) return NetworkRecordIP6(record)
[docs]def t_reporting_mode(val): """ Convert/validate: Reporting mode. """ if str(val) in [AG_REPORTING_MODE_SUMMARY, AG_REPORTING_MODE_EXTRA, AG_REPORTING_MODE_BOTH]: return str(val) raise ValueError("Invalid reporting mode '{:s}' for abuse group".format(val))
[docs]def t_reporting_filter(val): """ Convert/validate: Reporting filter. """ if isinstance(val, ReportingFilter): return val return ReportingFilter(val)
[docs]def t_filter_type(val): """ Convert/validate: Reporting filter type. """ if str(val) == 'simple': val = 'basic' return val
[docs]def t_saved_query(val): """ Convert/validate: Saved query. """ return val
[docs]def t_detector_record(val, source): """ Convert/validate: Detector record. :param any val: Value to be converted/validated :return: detector record object :rtype: DetectorRecord :raises ValueError: if the value is not valid detector record """ if isinstance(val, Detector): return val record = {} try: record['_id'] = val.get('id', gen_sid()) record['source'] = source record['name'] = val['name'] if 'note' in val and val['note']: record['description'] = val['note'] if 'credibility' in val: record['credibility'] = val['credibility'] else: record['credibility'] = 1.0 if 'registered' in val: record['registered'] = val['registered'] except Exception as exc: raise ValueError('Unknown detector record {}'.format(pprint.pformat(val))) from exc return Detector(record)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATATYPE DEFINITIONS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class NetworkRecord(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Base class for all NetworkRecord structures. """ allow_unknown = False
[docs] def fingerprint(self): """ Return network fingerprint (concatenation of network and source). """ return '{:s}:{:s}'.format(self['network'], self['source'])
types_internal = { 'Boolean': bool, 'Integer': int, 'String': str, 'Binary': str, 'Float': float, 'Ip4Numeric': int, 'Ip6Numeric': int, 'IPRange': t_ip_range, 'Datetime': t_datetime, 'DBRefUsers': t_dbref, 'DBRefGroups': t_dbref, 'NetRecTypeIP4': t_network_record_type_ip4, 'NetRecTypeIP6': t_network_record_type_ip6, 'NetworkRecordOld': t_network_record_old, 'ReportingMode': t_reporting_mode, 'ReportingFilter': t_reporting_filter, 'FilterType': t_filter_type, 'SavedQuery': t_saved_query } types_internal_list = list_types(types_internal)
[docs]def typedef_network_record_ip4(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for IPv4 network records. """ tdef = { 'id': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'createtime': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'network': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'source': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'nrobj': { 'type': flavour['IPRange'], 'required': True }, 'type': { 'type': flavour['NetRecTypeIP4'], 'required': True }, 'netname': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'description': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'ip4_start': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'ip4_end': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'first': { 'type': flavour['Ip4Numeric'] }, 'last': { 'type': flavour['Ip4Numeric'] }, 'emails': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_fallback': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_low': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_medium': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_high': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_critical': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'resolved_abuses': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'is_base': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'] }, 'abuse_group': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'rank': { 'type': flavour['Integer'] }, 'local_id': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, '_resolved_abuses_chain': typedcols.Discard } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class NetworkRecordIP4(NetworkRecord): """ Implementation of IPv4 network record structure. """ typedef = typedef_network_record_ip4(types_internal, types_internal_list)
[docs]def typedef_network_record_ip6(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for IPv6 network records. """ tdef = { 'id': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'createtime': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'network': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'source': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'nrobj': { 'type': flavour['IPRange'], 'required': True }, 'type': { 'type': flavour['NetRecTypeIP6'], 'required': True }, 'netname': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'description': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'ip6_addr': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'ip6_prefix': { 'type': flavour['Integer'] }, 'first': { 'type': flavour['Ip6Numeric'] }, 'last': { 'type': flavour['Ip6Numeric'] }, 'emails': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_fallback': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_low': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_medium': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_high': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'emails_critical': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'resolved_abuses': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'is_base': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'] }, 'abuse_group': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'rank': { 'type': flavour['Integer'] }, 'local_id': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, '_resolved_abuses_chain': typedcols.Discard } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class NetworkRecordIP6(NetworkRecord): """ Implementation of IPv6 network record structure. """ typedef = typedef_network_record_ip6(types_internal, types_internal_list)
[docs]def typedef_filter(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator reporting filter records. """ tdef = { '_id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True, 'default': gen_sid }, 'ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'filter': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'description': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'note': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'type': { 'type': flavour['FilterType'], 'required': True }, 'validfrom': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'] }, 'validto': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'] }, 'analyzers': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'categories': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'ips': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'enabled': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'] }, 'hits': { 'type': flavour['Integer'] } } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class ReportingFilter(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Implementation of reporting filter record structure. """ typedef = typedef_filter(types_internal, types_internal_list)
[docs]def typedef_abuse_group(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for abuse group records. """ tdef = { '_id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'managers': { 'type': list_flavour['DBRefUsers'], 'required': True, 'default': list }, 'source': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True, 'default': NR_SOURCE_NEGISTRY }, 'description': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'subnet_cache': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True, 'default': False }, 'networks': { 'type': list_flavour['NetworkRecordOld'] }, 'rep_mode': { 'type': flavour['ReportingMode'], 'required': True, 'default': AG_REPORTING_MODE_SUMMARY }, 'rep_emails_low': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'rep_emails_medium': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'rep_emails_high': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'rep_emails_critical': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'rep_filters': { 'type': list_flavour['ReportingFilter'] }, 'rep_mute': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True, 'default': False }, 'rep_redirect': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True, 'default': True }, 'query': { 'type': list_flavour['SavedQuery'] }, 'subnet': { 'type': list_flavour['String'] }, 'id': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'local_id': { 'type': flavour['String'] } } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class AbuseGroup(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Implementation of abuse group record structure. """ allow_unknown = False typedef = typedef_abuse_group(types_internal, types_internal_list) @staticmethod def _is_network_in(network, netlist): """ """ for net in netlist: if net.fingerprint() == network.fingerprint(): return True return False
[docs] def network_add(self, network): """ Update abuse group network list coming from given source. """ #if not isinstance(network, NetworkRecord): # network = t_network_record(network) for net in self['networks']: if net.fingerprint() == network.fingerprint(): return 'Network already exists' self['networks'].append(network) return 'Network added'
[docs] def networks_update(self, networks): """ Update abuse group network list coming from given source. """ changelog = [] for net in networks: #if not isinstance(net, NetworkRecord): #net = NetworkRecord(net) if not self._is_network_in(net, self['networks']): changelog.append("Added network '{:s}'".format(net.fingerprint())) self['networks'].append(net) res = [] for net in self['networks']: if not self._is_network_in(net, networks): changelog.append("Removed network '{:s}'".format(net.fingerprint())) else: res.append(net) self['networks'] = res return changelog
[docs]def typedef_user(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for user records. """ tdef = { '_id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'id': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'name': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'email': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'organization': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'roles': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True, 'default': list }, 'groups': { 'type': list_flavour['DBRefGroups'], 'required': True, 'default': list }, 'ts_last_login': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'] }, 'certificate': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'certificate_hash': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'affiliations': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'default': list }, 'orggroups': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'default': list }, 'query': { 'type': list_flavour['SavedQuery'], 'default': list } } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class User(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Implementation of abuse group record structure. """ allow_unknown = False typedef = typedef_user(types_internal, types_internal_list)
[docs]def typedef_event_stat(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for event statistics records. """ tdef = { '_id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'ts_from': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'ts_to': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'count': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'internal': { 'required': True }, 'external': { 'required': True }, 'overall': { 'required': True } } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class EventStat(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Implementation of event stat structure. """ allow_unknown = True typedef = typedef_event_stat(types_internal, types_internal_list)
[docs]def typedef_detector(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for detector records. """ tdef = { '_id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'name': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'source': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'description': { 'type': flavour['String'] }, 'credibility': { 'type': flavour['Float'], 'required': True }, 'registered': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'default': time.time }, 'hits': { 'type': flavour['Integer'] } } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class Detector(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Implementation of detector structure. """ allow_unknown = True typedef = typedef_detector(types_internal, types_internal_list)
[docs]def typedef_report(flavour, list_flavour, addon = None): """ Typedef generator for report records. """ tdef = { '_id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'id': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'ua_hash': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'ts_from': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'ts_to': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'abuse': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'severity': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'type': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'message': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'flag_archived': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True }, 'flag_jarchived': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True }, 'flag_mail_sent': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True }, 'test_data': { 'type': flavour['Boolean'], 'required': True }, 'to': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'mail_to': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'mail_res': { 'type': flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'mail_ts': { 'type': flavour['Datetime'], 'required': True, 'default': time.time }, 'cnt_all': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_flt': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_flt_blk': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_det': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_det_blk': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_thr': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_thr_blk': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_rlp': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_alerts': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'cnt_analyzers': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'list_analyzers': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'analyzers': { 'required': True }, 'cnt_detectorsws': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'list_detectorsws': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'detectorsws': { 'required': True }, 'cnt_detectors': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'list_detectors': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'detectors': { 'required': True }, 'cnt_categories': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'list_categories': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'categories': { 'required': True }, 'cnt_category_sets': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'list_category_sets': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'category_sets': { 'required': True }, 'cnt_ips': { 'type': flavour['Integer'], 'required': True }, 'list_ips': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'ips': { 'required': True }, 'list_ids': { 'type': list_flavour['String'], 'required': True }, 'frv': { 'required': True } } if addon is not None: tdef.update(addon) return tdef
[docs]class Report(typedcols.TypedDict): """ Implementation of report structure. """ allow_unknown = True typedef = typedef_report(types_internal, types_internal_list)