Source code for mentat.module.controller

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (

# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

This Mentat module is a script providing Mentat system control functions and features.

This script is implemented using the :py:mod:`pyzenkit.zenscript` framework and
so it provides all of its core features. See the documentation for more in-depth

The Mentat system is a collection of many real-time processing and post-processing
modules. Launching and managing so many processes would be really tedious work. And
that is exactly the use-case for this module. Its purpose is to start/stop/restart
all preconfigured real-time message processing modules and enable/disable all
preconfigured message post-processing modules (cronjobs).

Usage examples

.. code-block:: shell

    # Display help message and exit. --help

    # Run in debug mode (enable output of debugging information to terminal). --debug

    # Run with increased logging level. --log-level debug

    # Determine the current status of Mentat system and all of its modules. --command status

    # Same as above, only execute and produce output in Nagios plugin compatible
    # mode. --command status --nagios-plugin --log-level warning

    # Start/stop/restart all configured real-time message processing modules. --command start --command stop --command restart

    # Enable/Disable all configured message post-processing modules (cronjobs). --command enable --command disable

    # Send signal to all configured real-time message processing modules. --command signal-usr1

    # Work with particular modules. --command start --target --command stop --target --command signal-usr1 --target

Available script commands

``status`` (*default*)
    Detect and display the status of configured modules. The ``--target``
    command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file
    directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by
    the command. All modules will be affected by default.

    Start configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*)
    or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which
    modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default.

    Stop configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*)
    or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which
    modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default.

    Restart configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*)
    or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which
    modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default.

    Enable configured cron modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*)
    or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which
    modules should be affected by the command. All cron modules will be affected by default.

    Disable configured cron modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*)
    or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which
    modules should be affected by the command. All cron modules will be affected by default.

    Send signal *HUP* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line
    option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables
    user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All
    modules will be affected by default.

    Send signal *KILL* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line
    option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables
    user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All
    modules will be affected by default.

    Send signal *USR1* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line
    option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables
    user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All
    modules will be affected by default.

    Send signal *USR2* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line
    option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables
    user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All
    modules will be affected by default.

    Clean up dangling PID files (files without matching running process).

Custom configuration

Custom command line options

``--target module-id``
    Target module(s) for the current command (*repeatable*).

    *Type:* ``string``

    Execute as Nagios plugin (flag).

    *Type:* ``bool``, *default:* ``False``

Custom configuration file options

    List of real-time message processing modules that should be managed.

    *Type:* ``list of dicts``

    List of message post-processing modules that should be managed.

    *Type:* ``list of dicts``


__author__  = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import os
import time
import signal
import pprint

# Custom libraries
import mentat.const
import mentat.system
import mentat.script.base

# Translation table to translate signal numbers to their names.
SIGNALS_TO_NAMES_DICT = dict((getattr(signal, n), n) \
    for n in dir(signal) if n.startswith('SIG') and '_' not in n )

CRON_SCRIPT_DIR = '/etc/cron.d'

[docs]class MentatControllerScript(mentat.script.base.MentatBaseScript): """ Implementation of Mentat module (script) providing Mentat system control functions and features. """ # # Class constants. # # List of configuration keys. CONFIG_TARGET = 'target' CONFIG_NAGIOS_PLUGIN = 'nagios_plugin' CONFIG_MODULES = 'modules' CONFIG_CRONJOBS = 'cronjobs' def __init__(self): """ Initialize controller script object. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript.__init__` and it aims to even more simplify the script object creation by providing configuration values for parent contructor. """ self.modules = None self.cronjobs = None super().__init__( description = ' - Mentat system control script' ) def _init_argparser(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize script command line argument parser. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript._init_argparser` and it must return valid :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object. It appends additional command line options custom for this script object. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from object constructor. :return: Valid argument parser object. :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ argparser = super()._init_argparser(**kwargs) # # Create and populate options group for custom script arguments. # arggroup_script = argparser.add_argument_group('custom script arguments') # Specify the target module(s) for the command arggroup_script.add_argument( '--target', help = 'target module(s) for the current command (*repeatable*)', action = 'append', type = str, default = None ) arggroup_script.add_argument( '--nagios-plugin', help = 'execute in Nagios plugin compatible mode (flag)', action = 'store_true', default = None ) return argparser def _init_config(self, cfgs, **kwargs): """ Initialize default script configurations. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript._init_config` and it appends additional configurations via ``cfgs`` parameter. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param list cfgs: Additional set of configurations. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from constructor. :return: Default configuration structure. :rtype: dict """ cfgs = ( (self.CONFIG_TARGET, None), (self.CONFIG_NAGIOS_PLUGIN, False) ) + cfgs return super()._init_config(cfgs, **kwargs) def _sub_stage_setup(self): """ **SUBCLASS HOOK**: Perform additional custom setup actions. This method is called from the main setup method :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp._stage_setup` as a part of the **setup** stage of application`s life cycle. """ self.modules = mentat.system.make_module_list( self.c(self.CONFIG_MODULES) ) self.cronjobs = mentat.system.make_cronjob_list( self.c(self.CONFIG_CRONJOBS) ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_default_command(self): """ Return the name of the default script command. This command will be executed in case it is not explicitly selected either by command line option, or by configuration file directive. :return: Name of the default command. :rtype: str """ return 'status'
[docs] def get_system_status(self): """ Convenience method for getting overall system status. :return: Structured dictionary with preprocessed information. :rtype: dict """ status = mentat.system.system_status( self.modules, self.cronjobs, self.paths.get(self.PATH_CFG), CRON_SCRIPT_DIR, self.paths.get(self.PATH_LOG), self.paths.get(self.PATH_RUN) ) return status
[docs] def cbk_command_status(self): """ Implementation of the **status** command (*default*). Detect and display the status of configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Status of configured Mentat real-time modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname]"Real-time module '%s': '%s'", mname, stat[1])"Overall real-time module status: '%s'", status['resultm'][1])"Status of configured Mentat cronjob modules:") modulelist = self._get_target_c() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['cronjobs'][mname]"Cronjob module '%s': '%s'", mname, stat[1])"Overall cronjob module status: '%s'", status['resultc'][1]) for msgcat in ['info', 'notice', 'warning', 'error']: if status['messages'][msgcat]: for prob in status['messages'][msgcat]: getattr(self.logger, msgcat)(prob[0])"Overall Mentat system status: '%s'", status['result'][1]) if not self.c(self.CONFIG_NAGIOS_PLUGIN): self.retc = status['result'][0] # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,attribute-defined-outside-init else: if status['result'][0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK: print("MENTATCTRL OK - All modules up and running;") self.retc = mentat.const.NAGIOS_PLUGIN_RC_OK else: print("MENTATCTRL CRITICAL - System is not in healthy state;|{};{};{}".format( status['resultm'][1], status['resultc'][1], status['result'][1] )) self.retc = mentat.const.NAGIOS_PLUGIN_RC_CRITICAL return self.RESULT_SUCCESS
[docs] def cbk_command_start(self): """ Implementation of the **start** command. Start configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Starting all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] proc = status['processes'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK:"Module '%s': Module is already running properly, nothing to do", mname) elif stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_NOT_RUNNING:"Module '%s': Launching module", mname) self._module_start(self.modules[mname], proc) elif stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_FEWER:"Module '%s': Module is running in fewer than required instances", mname) elif stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_MORE:"Module '%s': Module is running in more than required instances", mname) else: self.logger.error("Module '%s': Module is in weird state, unable to perform automatic startup", mname)"Waiting for modules to fully start up") time.sleep(1) status = self.get_system_status() self.retc = status['resultm'][0] # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,attribute-defined-outside-init if self.retc == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK:"System startup seems successful") return self.RESULT_SUCCESS self.logger.error("System startup seems to have failed") return self.RESULT_FAILURE
[docs] def cbk_command_enable(self): """ Implementation of the **enable** command. Enable configured cron modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Enabling all configured Mentat cron modules:") modulelist = self._get_target_c() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['cronjobs'][mname] meta = status['cron_files'][mname] if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_CJ_ENABLED:"Cron module '%s': Module is already enabled, nothing to do", mname) elif stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_CJ_DISABLED:"Cron module '%s': Enabling module", mname) self._module_enable(self.cronjobs[mname], meta) else: self.logger.error("Cron module '%s': Module is in weird state, unable to perform automatic startup", mname) status = self.get_system_status() self.retc = status['resultc'][0] # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,attribute-defined-outside-init if self.retc == mentat.system.STATUS_CJ_ENABLED:"System startup seems successful") return self.RESULT_SUCCESS self.logger.error("System startup seems to have failed") return self.RESULT_FAILURE
[docs] def cbk_command_stop(self): """ Implementation of the **stop** command. Stop configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """"Stopping all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() # We will try to make at most 20 attempts to stop all Mentat modules. for i in range(1, 20): status = self.get_system_status() nextmodulelist = [] if not modulelist: break # Process all modules from the list. for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] proc = status['processes'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_NOT_RUNNING: # In case this is a first attempt the module was already not running. if i == 1:"Module '%s': Module is already not running, nothing to do", mname) # Otherwise the stop was successful. else:"Module '%s': Module successfully stopped", mname) continue if stat[0] in (mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_PF_MISSING, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_PID_MISSMATCH, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_INCONSISTENT, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_FEWER, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_MORE): # Perform attemt to stop the module and mark it for another check in next iteration."Module '%s': Stopping module, attempt #%s", mname, i) self._module_signal(self.modules[mname], proc, signal.SIGINT) nextmodulelist.append(mname) continue self.logger.error("Module '%s': Module is in weird state, unable to perform full automatic shutdown", mname) # In case there are any modules marked for check in next iteration, wait for them to shut down. if nextmodulelist:"Waiting for modules to fully shut down") time.sleep(1) # Prepare module list for another iteration. modulelist = nextmodulelist # Review the overall Mentat system status. status = self.get_system_status() self.retc = status['resultm'][0] # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,attribute-defined-outside-init if self.retc == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_NOT_RUNNING:"System shutdown seems successful") return self.RESULT_SUCCESS self.logger.error("System shutdown seems to have failed") return self.RESULT_FAILURE
[docs] def cbk_command_disable(self): """ Implementation of the **disable** command. Disable configured cron modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Disabling all configured Mentat cron modules:") modulelist = self._get_target_c() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['cronjobs'][mname] meta = status['cron_files'][mname] if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_CJ_ENABLED:"Cron module '%s': Disabling module", mname) self._module_disable(self.cronjobs[mname], meta) elif stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_CJ_DISABLED:"Cron module '%s': Module is already disabled, nothing to do", mname) else: self.logger.error("Cron module '%s': Module is in weird state, unable to perform automatic shutdown", mname) status = self.get_system_status() self.retc = status['result'][0] # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,attribute-defined-outside-init if self.retc == mentat.system.STATUS_CJ_DISABLED:"System shutdown seems successful") return self.RESULT_SUCCESS self.logger.error("System shutdown seems to have failed") return self.RESULT_FAILURE
[docs] def cbk_command_restart(self): """ Implementation of the **restart** command. Restart configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ result = self.cbk_command_stop() if result == self.RESULT_FAILURE: return self.RESULT_FAILURE return self.cbk_command_start()
[docs] def cbk_command_signal_kill(self): """ Implementation of the **signal-kill** command. Send signal *KILL* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Killing all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] proc = status['processes'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_NOT_RUNNING:"Module '%s': Module is already not running, nothing to do", mname) elif stat[0] in (mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_PF_MISSING, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_PID_MISSMATCH, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_INCONSISTENT, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_FEWER, mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_MORE):"Module '%s': Killing module", mname) self._module_signal(self.modules[mname], proc, signal.SIGKILL) else: self.logger.error("Module '%s': Module is in weird state, unable to kill it", mname) return self.RESULT_SUCCESS
[docs] def cbk_command_signal_hup(self): """ Implementation of the **signal-hup** command. Send signal *HUP* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Sending SIGHUP signal to all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] proc = status['processes'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK: self._module_signal(self.modules[mname], proc, signal.SIGHUP) else: self.logger.error("Module '%s': Unable to send signal", mname) return self.RESULT_SUCCESS
[docs] def cbk_command_signal_usr1(self): """ Implementation of the **signal-usr1** command. Send signal *USR1* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Sending SIGUSR1 signal to all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] proc = status['processes'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK: self._module_signal(self.modules[mname], proc, signal.SIGUSR1) else: self.logger.error("Module '%s': Unable to send SIGUSR1 signal", mname) return self.RESULT_SUCCESS
[docs] def cbk_command_signal_usr2(self): """ Implementation of the **signal-usr2** command. Send signal *USR2* to configured modules. The ``--target`` command line option (*repeatable*) or ``target`` configuration file directive enables user to choose which modules should be affected by the command. All modules will be affected by default. """ status = self.get_system_status()"Sending SIGUSR2 signal to all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] proc = status['processes'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_RUNNING_OK: self._module_signal(self.modules[mname], proc, signal.SIGUSR2) else: self.logger.error("Module '%s': Unable to send SIGUSR2 signal", mname) return self.RESULT_SUCCESS
[docs] def cbk_command_pidfiles_clean(self): """ Implementation of the **pidfiles-clean** command. Clean up dangling PID files (files without matching running process). """ status = self.get_system_status()"Cleaning up dangling PID files of all configured Mentat modules:") modulelist = self._get_target() for mname in modulelist: stat = status['modules'][mname] pidf = status['pid_files'].get(mname, None) if stat[0] == mentat.system.STATUS_RT_DEAD_PF_EXISTS: for pid in pidf:"Module '%s': Removing dangling PID file '%s' of missing process '%d'", mname, pidf[pid]['path'], pid) os.unlink(pidf[pid]['path'])
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_target(self): """ Get target module(s) of the command. By default targets are all modules from configuration file, this can however be overriden by giving command line optin '--target'. """ target = self.c(self.CONFIG_TARGET) if target and isinstance(target, list): return target return self.modules.keys() def _get_target_c(self): """ Get target cron module(s) of the command. By default targets are all modules from configuration file, this can however be overriden by giving command line optin '--target'. """ target = self.c(self.CONFIG_TARGET) if target and isinstance(target, list): return target return self.cronjobs.keys() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _prepare_command(mod_data): """ Prepare system command for execution of given module. """ path = mod_data.executable # From documentation # "...the arguments to the child process should start with the name of # the command being run, but this is not enforced..." args = [path,] if != os.path.basename(mod_data.executable): args = args + ['--name',] if mod_data.paralel: args = args + ['--paralel',] if mod_data.args: args = args + mod_data.args return (path, args) def _execute(self, mod_data): """ Execute one instance of given module. """ (executable, arguments) = self._prepare_command(mod_data) newpid = os.fork() if newpid == 0: "Module '%s': Worker process '%d' ready, executing command '%s' with arguments '%s'",, os.getpid(), executable, pprint.pformat(arguments) ) os.sync() os.execvp(executable, arguments) # In case the os.execv() call was successful we should never reach # this point in code. If we are here, there was a critical error. self.logger.critical( "Module '%s': Worker process '%d' was unable to execute module",, os.getpid() ) os._exit(1) # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,protected-access else: "Module '%s': Waiting for worker process '%d'",, newpid ) time.sleep(1) def _module_start(self, mod_data, processes): """ Start required number of instances of given module. """ instances = 1 if mod_data.paralel: instances = mod_data.count if processes: instances = instances - len(processes.keys()) for i in range(0, instances): "Module '%s': Launching instance '%d'",, i ) self._execute(mod_data) def _module_enable(self, mod_data, meta): """ Enable given cron module. """ link_path = os.path.join(CRON_SCRIPT_DIR, meta['name']) self.logger.debug( "Module '%s': Creating symlink from '%s' to '%s'",, meta['path'], link_path ) os.symlink(meta['path'], link_path) def _module_disable(self, mod_data, meta): """ Disable given cron module. """ self.logger.debug( "Module '%s': Removing symlink '%s'",, meta['link'], ) os.remove(meta['link']) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _signal(self, mod_data, pid, sig): """ Send given signal to given system process. """ "Module '%s': Sending signal '%s' to process '%d'",, SIGNALS_TO_NAMES_DICT.get(sig, sig), pid ) os.kill(pid, sig) def _module_signal(self, mod_data, processes, sig): """ Send given signal to given module. """ for pid in sorted(processes.keys()): self._signal(mod_data, pid, sig)