Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Internal whois library.

Module contents

    Generic whois lookup module.

    Whois lookup module capable of loading data from JSON files.

    Whois lookup module capable of loading data from SQL databases.

    Whois lookup service, container for multiple whois lookup modules.

    Whois lookup service manager, capable of understanding Mentat core configurations.

__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import json
import copy

# Custom libraries.
import ipranges
import mentat.const
import mentat.datatype.sqldb
import mentat.datatype.internal

WHOIS_KEY_TYPE           = '__whois_type__'
WHOIS_KEY_ABOUT_GENERIC  = '__whois_about__'
WHOIS_KEY_ABOUT_NEGISTRY = '__negistry_about__'



[docs]class WhoisModule: """ Base class for all whois lookup modules. This class provides general lookup algorithm. More modules may be build on top of this module simply by overriding the :py:func:`` method and focus on the task of obtaining list of :py:class:`mentat.datatype.internal.NetworkRecord` objects, which can be then simply passed to the parent implementation. """ def __init__(self): self.networks_ip4 = [] self.networks_ip6 = []
[docs] def setup(self, networks): """ Setup whois module internals. This method is intended to be subclassed and then called from subclass with a list of neworks that should be processed into internal database format. The subclasses should only take care of providing this list of network and use the service of this method for the rest. This method does full rewrite of all internal structures to enable easy refresh feature. :param list networks: List of :py:class:`mentat.datatype.internal.NetworkRecord` objects. :return: Self :rtype: """ self.networks_ip4 = [] self.networks_ip6 = [] for net in networks: self.add_network(net) self.networks_ip4 = sorted(sorted(self.networks_ip4, key = lambda x: x['last'], reverse=True), key = lambda x: x['first']) self.networks_ip6 = sorted(sorted(self.networks_ip6, key = lambda x: x['last'], reverse=True), key = lambda x: x['first']) return self
[docs] def add_network(self, network): """ Add given network into internal whois lookup table. :param list network: Instance of :py:class:`mentat.datatype.internal.NetworkRecord`. :return: Self :rtype: """ if network['type'] == mentat.datatype.internal.NR_TYPE_IPV4: self.networks_ip4.append(network) elif network['type'] == mentat.datatype.internal.NR_TYPE_IPV6: self.networks_ip6.append(network) else: raise TypeError('Invalid network record type') return self
[docs] def status(self): """ Determine and return the status of internal whois lookup table. :return: Dictionary containing various subkeys. :rtype: dict """ return { 'name': self.__class__.__name__, 'count_ip4': len(self.networks_ip4), 'count_ip6': len(self.networks_ip6) }
@staticmethod def _lookup_ipaddr(ipaddr, networks): """ Internal method for doing actual IP address lookup. """ result = [] for net in networks: if ipaddr.low() < net['first']: break if ipaddr.high() > net['last']: continue if ipaddr.low() >= net['first'] and ipaddr.high() <= net['last']: result.append((net)) return sorted(result, key = lambda net: net.get('rank', -1)) @staticmethod def _lookup_email(email, networks): """ Internal method for doing actual email address lookup. """ result = [] for net in networks: if email in net['abuse_group']: result.append((net)) continue for severity in 'emails_low', 'emails_medium', 'emails_high', 'emails_critical': if severity in net and email in net[severity]: result.append((net)) return result
[docs] def lookup(self, arg): """ Search for relevant records for given IP or email address withing internal whois lookup table. """ try: if not isinstance(arg, ipranges.Range): arg = mentat.datatype.internal.t_net(arg) if isinstance(arg, (ipranges.IP4Net, ipranges.IP4Range, ipranges.IP4)): return self._lookup_ipaddr(arg, self.networks_ip4) if isinstance(arg, (ipranges.IP6Net, ipranges.IP6Range, ipranges.IP6)): return self._lookup_ipaddr(arg, self.networks_ip6) except Exception: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,broad-except pass return self._lookup_email(str(arg), self.networks_ip4 + self.networks_ip6)
[docs] def lookup_abuse(self, arg, getall = False): """ Search for relevant records for given IP or email address withing internal whois lookup table. """ result = self.lookup(arg) if result: if not getall: return [result[-1]['abuse_group']] return [item['abuse_group'] for item in result] return []
[docs]class FileWhoisModule(WhoisModule): """ This whois module is capable of loading network records from JSON files. """ def __init__(self, whois_file): super().__init__() self.whois_file = whois_file
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs): """ Perform full setup of internal whois lookup table by loading the data from external file. """ # Open and load the file. with open(self.whois_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as flh: contents = "\n".join((line for line in flh if not line.lstrip().startswith(("#", "//")))) whois_file_data = json.loads(contents) # Perform some amount of preprocessing. whois_file_type = WHOIS_TYPE_GENERIC # Generate list of network record objects. networks = [] for network_data in whois_file_data: nwr = mentat.datatype.internal.t_network_record(network_data, source = whois_file_type) networks.append(nwr) # Let the parent implementation take care of loading internal lookup table. return super().setup(networks)
[docs]class SqldbWhoisModule(WhoisModule): """ This whois module is capable of loading network records from SQL database. """ def __init__(self, storage_manager = None): super().__init__() self.stmng = storage_manager
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs): """ Perform full setup of internal whois lookup table by loading the data from SQL database. """ # Obtain reference for storage manager, if necessary. if not self.stmng: self.stmng = # Get backend storage connection. storage = self.stmng.service() # Load network records from SQL database. records = storage.session.query(mentat.datatype.sqldb.NetworkModel).all() # Generate list of internal network record objects. networks = [] for rec in records: netw = { 'id':, 'netnames': [rec.netname], 'source': rec.source, 'network':, 'description': rec.description, 'abuse_group':, 'is_base': rec.is_base } if rec.rank: netw['rank'] = rec.rank networks.append(mentat.datatype.internal.t_network_record(netw)) storage.session.commit() # Let the parent implementation take care of loading internal lookup table. return super().setup(networks)
[docs]class WhoisService: """ Implementation of more complex whois service capable of encapsulating multiple instances of :py:class:``. """ def __init__(self, modules = None): self.whois_modules = [] if modules: for mod in modules: self.add_module(mod)
[docs] def add_module(self, module): """ Add given module into internal registry. """ self.whois_modules.append(module)
[docs] def setup(self): """ Perform setup of all whois modules in internal registry. This method will cause refreshing/reloading of all internal lookup tables. """ for mod in self.whois_modules: mod.setup()
[docs] def status(self): """ Determine the status of all whois modules in internal registry. """ result = [] for mod in self.whois_modules: result.append(mod.status()) return result
[docs] def lookup(self, arg): """ Perform lookup of given IP address and return list of all relevant network records. """ for mod in self.whois_modules: result = mod.lookup(arg) if result: return result return []
[docs] def lookup_abuse(self, arg, getall = False): """ Search for relevant records for given IP or email address withing internal whois lookup table. """ result = self.lookup(arg) if result: if not getall: return [result[-1]['abuse_group']] return [item['abuse_group'] for item in result] return []
[docs]class WhoisServiceManager: """ Class representing a custom whois service manager capable of understanding and parsing Mentat system core configurations and enabling easy way of unified bootstrapping of :py:class:`` service. """ def __init__(self, core_config, updates = None): """ Initialize WhoisServiceManager object with full core configuration tree structure. :param dict core_config: Mentat core configuration structure. :param dict updates: Optional configuration updates (same structure as ``core_config``). """ self._whoisconfig = {} self._service = None self._configure_whois(core_config, updates) def _configure_whois(self, core_config, updates): """ Internal sub-initialization helper: Configure database structure parameters and optionally merge them with additional updates. :param dict core_config: Mentat core configuration structure. :param dict updates: Optional configuration updates (same structure as ``core_config``). """ self._whoisconfig = copy.deepcopy(core_config[CKEY_CORE_SERVICES][CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_WHOIS]) if updates and CKEY_CORE_SERVICES in updates and CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_WHOIS in updates[CKEY_CORE_SERVICES]: self._whoisconfig.update( updates[CKEY_CORE_SERVICES][CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_WHOIS] )
[docs] def service(self): """ Return handle to whois service according to internal configurations. :return: Reference to whois service object. :rtype: """ if not self._service: self._service = WhoisService() for module in self._whoisconfig['modules']: try: #module_class = getattr(, module['name']) module_class = globals()[module['name']] whois_module = module_class(**module['config']) self._service.add_module(whois_module.setup()) except Exception as exc: if not module.get('optional', False): raise exc return self._service
[docs]def init(core_config, updates = None): """ (Re-)Initialize :py:class:`WhoisServiceManager` instance at module level and store the refence within module. """ global _MANAGER # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,global-statement _MANAGER = WhoisServiceManager(core_config, updates)
[docs]def manager(): """ Obtain reference to :py:class:`WhoisServiceManager` instance stored at module level. """ return _MANAGER
[docs]def service(): """ Obtain reference to :py:class:`WhoisService` instance from module level manager. """ return manager().service()