.. _section-hawat-plugin-networks: networks ================================================================================ .. automodule:: hawat.blueprints.networks :noindex: .. _section-hawat-plugin-networks-endpoints: Provided endpoints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``/api/networks/get`` * *Reference:* :ref:`section-hawat-plugin-networks-webapi-get` .. _section-hawat-plugin-networks-webapi: Web API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For general information about web API please refer to section :ref:`section-hawat-webapi`. Following is a list of all currently available API endpoints. These endpoints provide results as JSON document instead of full HTML page. .. _section-hawat-plugin-networks-webapi-get: API endpoint: **get** ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` **Relevant endpoint:** ``/api/networks/get`` * *Authentication:* login required * *Authorization:* maintainer, admin * *Methods:* ``GET`` **Response format** JSON document, that will be received as a response for the search, contains the following keys: ``data`` * *Description:* This key contains a list of networks. Every network is a dictionary with following keys: * ``client_id`` - The value of ``client_id`` of the network stored in the database * ``descr`` - Description of the network * ``netname`` - Name of the network * ``rank`` - Rank of the network, used for reporting * ``source`` - The source of the network * ``resolved_abuses`` - A dictionary which may contain the following keys: * ``low`` - A list of email addresses used for reporting events with low severity * ``medium`` - A list of email addresses used for reporting events with medium severity * ``high`` - A list of email addresses used for reporting events with high severity * ``critical`` - A list of email addresses used for reporting events with critical severity * ``fallback`` - A list of fallback email addresses * the IP address of the network, which could be either * ``IP4_start`` and ``IP4_end``, or * ``IP6_addr`` and ``IP6_prefix`` * *Datatype:* ``list of dictionaries`` ``view_icon`` * *Description:* This subkey is always present in the response. It is intended for internal purposes. * *Datatype:* ``string`` ``view_title`` * *Description:* This subkey is always present in the response. It is intended for internal purposes. * *Datatype:* ``string`` **Example response:** .. code-block:: json { "data": [ { "client_id": 123456, "descr": "First demonstration IPv4 network", "ip4_end": "", "ip4_start": "", "netname": "NETNAME1", "rank": 999, "resolved_abuses": { "low": [ "abuse@bogus-domain.org" ] }, "source": "manual" }, ... ], "view_icon": "module-networks", "view_title": "Networks" } **Example usage with curl:** .. code-block:: shell $ curl -X GET -d "api_key=your%AP1_k3y" "https://.../api/networks/get"