This Mentat module is a script providing database and cache cleanup functions and features.

This script is implemented using the pyzenkit.zenscript framework and so it provides all of its core features. See the documentation for more in-depth details.

It is further based on mentat.script.fetcher module, which provides database fetching and message post-processing capabilities.

Usage examples

# Display help message and exit. --help

# Run in debug mode (enable output of debugging information to terminal). --debug

# Run with increased logging level. --log-level debug

Available script commands

cleanup (default)

Perform cleanup of configured database collections and directory caches.

Custom configuration

Custom command line options

--db-path dir-name

Path to database files (for disk usage measurements).

Type: string, default: /var/lib/postgresql


Perform simulation, do not remove anything (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False

Available cleanup thresholds

  • 3y: items older than three years

  • 2y: items older than two years

  • y: items older than one year

  • 9m: items older than nine months

  • 6m: items older than six months

  • 4m: items older than four months

  • 3m: items older than three months

  • 16w: items older than sixteen weeks

  • 12w: items older than twelwe weeks

  • 8w: items older than eight weeks

  • 4w: items older than four weeks

  • 2w: items older than two weeks

  • w: items older than one week

  • 6d: items older than six days

  • 5d: items older than five days

  • 4d: items older than four days

  • 3d: items older than three days

  • 2d: items older than two days

  • d: items older than one day

  • 12h: items older than twelve hours

  • 8h: items older than eight hours

  • 6h: items older than six hours

  • 4h: items older than four hours

  • 3h: items older than three hours

  • 2h: items older than two hours

  • h: items older than one hour


The application supports multiple means for adjusting the internal configurations. When appropriate the default values for each configuration is hardcoded in module source code. However there are several options to change the value:

  • Override the internal default value when instantinating the application object by passing different value to object constructor.

  • Pass the different value by configuration file.

  • Pass the different value by command line option.

The configuration values are assigned from the sources mentioned above in that particular order, so the value given by command line option overwrites the value written in configuration file.

Command line options

Configuration can be passed down to application by command line options. These options have the highest priority and will overwrite any other configuration values. Depending on the base object of the application different set of options is available.

Common application options

Following configuration options are available for all applications based on pyzenkit.baseapp:


Display help and usage description and exit (flag).


Run in debug mode (flag).

Input various status information to stderr.

Type: boolean, default: False


Run in quiet mode (flag).

Do not write anything to stdout or stderr.

Type: boolean, default: False


Increase application output verbosity (flag, repeatable).

Type: boolean, default: False

--name alternative-name

Alternative name for application instead of default $0.

This value will be used to generate names for log, runlog, pid, status and other application files.

Type: string, default: $0

--config-file file-name

Name of the configuration file.

Type: string, default: autodetected


Do not complain in case given configuration file does not exist (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False

--config-dir file-name

Name of the configuration directory.

Type: string, default: autodetected


Do not complain in case given configuration directory does not exist (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False

--log-file file-name

Name of the log file.

Type: string, default: autodetected

--log-level level

Logging level [debug, info, warning, error, critical].

Type: string, default: info

--runlog-dir dir-name

Name of the runlog directory.

Type: string, default: autodetected


Dump runlog to stdout when done processing (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False


Write runlog to logging service when done processing (flag)

Type: boolean, default: False

--pstate-file file-name

Name of the persistent state file.

Type: string, default: autodetected


Dump persistent state to stdout when done processing (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False


Write persistent state to logging service when done processing (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False

--action action

Execute given quick action and exit. List of available actions can be displayed with --help option.

Type: string, default: None

--user name-or-id

Name/gid of the system user for process permissions.

Type: string, default: None

--group name-or-id

Name/gid of the system group for process permissions.

Type: string, default: None

Common script options

Following configuration options are available on top of common applicationsoptions for all applications based on pyzenkit.zenscript:


Operational mode: regular script execution (flag).

Conflicts with --shell option.

Type: boolean, default: False


Operational mode: manual script execution from shell (flag).

Conflicts with --regular option.

Type: boolean, default: False

--command name

Name of the script command to be executed.

Type: string, default: autodetected

--interval interval

Execution interval. This value should correspond with related cron script.

Type: string, default: daily


Round-up time interval threshols to interval size (flag).

Type: boolean, default: False

--time-high time

Upper time interval threshold.

Type: float, default: time.time

Configuration files and directories

Configuration can be passed down to application using a combination of configuration file or configuration directory.

The available configuration keys are very similar to command line options and the names differ only in the use of _ character instead of -. However there is a certain set of configuration keys that is available only through command line options and not through configuration file and vice versa.