Source code for mentat.module.cleanup

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

This Mentat module is a script providing database and cache cleanup functions and

This script is implemented using the :py:mod:`pyzenkit.zenscript` framework and
so it provides all of its core features. See the documentation for more in-depth

It is further based on :py:mod:`mentat.script.fetcher` module, which provides
database fetching and message post-processing capabilities.

Usage examples

.. code-block:: shell

    # Display help message and exit. --help

    # Run in debug mode (enable output of debugging information to terminal). --debug

    # Run with increased logging level. --log-level debug

Available script commands

``cleanup`` (*default*)
    Perform cleanup of configured database collections and directory caches.

Custom configuration

Custom command line options

``--db-path dir-name``
    Path to database files (for disk usage measurements).

    *Type:* ``string``, *default:* ``/var/lib/postgresql``

    Perform simulation, do not remove anything (*flag*).

    *Type:* ``boolean``, *default:* ``False``

Available cleanup thresholds

* ``3y``:  items older than three years
* ``2y``:  items older than two years
* ``y``:   items older than one year
* ``9m``:  items older than nine months
* ``6m``:  items older than six months
* ``4m``:  items older than four months
* ``3m``:  items older than three months
* ``16w``: items older than sixteen weeks
* ``12w``: items older than twelwe weeks
* ``8w``:  items older than eight weeks
* ``4w``:  items older than four weeks
* ``2w``:  items older than two weeks
* ``w``:   items older than one week
* ``6d``:  items older than six days
* ``5d``:  items older than five days
* ``4d``:  items older than four days
* ``3d``:  items older than three days
* ``2d``:  items older than two days
* ``d``:   items older than one day
* ``12h``: items older than twelve hours
* ``8h``:  items older than eight hours
* ``6h``:  items older than six hours
* ``4h``:  items older than four hours
* ``3h``:  items older than three hours
* ``2h``:  items older than two hours
* ``h``:   items older than one hour

__author__  = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import os
import glob
import datetime
import json

# Custom libraries
import pydgets.widgets
import mentat.script.fetcher
import mentat.const

# Global variables.
SECS_YEAR = 31556926
"""Number of seconds in a year (approximate)."""

    '3y':  {'l': 'items older than three years',   'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(SECS_YEAR * 3))},
    '2y':  {'l': 'items older than two years',     'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(SECS_YEAR * 2))},
    'y':   {'l': 'items older than one year',      'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(SECS_YEAR))},
    '9m':  {'l': 'items older than nine months',   'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int((SECS_YEAR/4)*3))},
    '6m':  {'l': 'items older than six months',    'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(SECS_YEAR/2))},
    '4m':  {'l': 'items older than four months',   'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(SECS_YEAR/3))},
    '3m':  {'l': 'items older than three months',  'd': datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(SECS_YEAR/4))},
    '16w': {'l': 'items older than sixteen weeks', 'd': datetime.timedelta(weeks = 16)},
    '12w': {'l': 'items older than twelve weeks',  'd': datetime.timedelta(weeks = 12)},
    '8w':  {'l': 'items older than eight weeks',   'd': datetime.timedelta(weeks = 8)},
    '4w':  {'l': 'items older than four weeks',    'd': datetime.timedelta(weeks = 4)},
    '2w':  {'l': 'items older than two weeks',     'd': datetime.timedelta(weeks = 2)},
    'w':   {'l': 'items older than one week',      'd': datetime.timedelta(weeks = 1)},
    '6d':  {'l': 'items older than six days',      'd': datetime.timedelta(days = 6)},
    '5d':  {'l': 'items older than five days',     'd': datetime.timedelta(days = 5)},
    '4d':  {'l': 'items older than four days',     'd': datetime.timedelta(days = 4)},
    '3d':  {'l': 'items older than three days',    'd': datetime.timedelta(days = 3)},
    '2d':  {'l': 'items older than two days',      'd': datetime.timedelta(days = 2)},
    'd':   {'l': 'items older than one day',       'd': datetime.timedelta(days = 1)},
    '12h': {'l': 'items older than twelve hours',  'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 12)},
    '8h':  {'l': 'items older than eight hours',   'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 8)},
    '6h':  {'l': 'items older than six hours',     'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 6)},
    '4h':  {'l': 'items older than four hours',    'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 4)},
    '3h':  {'l': 'items older than three hours',   'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 3)},
    '2h':  {'l': 'items older than two hours',     'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 2)},
    'h':   {'l': 'items older than one hour',      'd': datetime.timedelta(hours = 1)}
"""List of possible cleanup thresholds."""

[docs]def json_dump_cbk(obj): """ Callback method for serializing objects into JSON. """ if isinstance(obj,datetime.datetime): return obj.isoformat() return repr(obj)
[docs]class MentatCleanupScript(mentat.script.fetcher.FetcherScript): """ Implementation of Mentat module (script) providing database and cache cleanup functions and features. """ # # Class constants. # # List of configuration keys. CONFIG_DB_PATH = 'db_path' CONFIG_SIMULATE = 'simulate' CONFIG_EVENTS = 'events' CONFIG_TABLES = 'tables' CONFIG_CACHES = 'caches' CONFIG_RUNLOGS = 'runlogs' def __init__(self): """ Initialize cleanup script object. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript.__init__` and it aims to even more simplify the script object creation by providing configuration values for parent contructor. """ self.eventservice = None self.sqlservice = None super().__init__( description = ' - Mentat system database and cache cleanup script' ) def _init_argparser(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize script command line argument parser. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript._init_argparser` and it must return valid :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object. It appends additional command line options custom for this script object. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from object constructor. :return: Valid argument parser object. :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ argparser = super()._init_argparser(**kwargs) # # Create and populate options group for custom script arguments. # arggroup_script = argparser.add_argument_group('custom script arguments') arggroup_script.add_argument( '--db-path', help = 'filesystem path to database files', type = str, default = None ) arggroup_script.add_argument( '--simulate', help = 'perform simulation, do not remove anything (flag)', action = 'store_true', default = None ) return argparser def _init_config(self, cfgs, **kwargs): """ Initialize default script configurations. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript._init_config` and it appends additional configurations via ``cfgs`` parameter. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param list cfgs: Additional set of configurations. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from constructor. :return: Default configuration structure. :rtype: dict """ cfgs = ( (self.CONFIG_DB_PATH, '/var/lib/postgresql'), (self.CONFIG_SIMULATE, False), (self.CONFIG_EVENTS, []), (self.CONFIG_TABLES, []), (self.CONFIG_CACHES, []), (self.CONFIG_RUNLOGS, []), ) + cfgs return super()._init_config(cfgs, **kwargs) def _sub_stage_init(self, **kwargs): """ **SUBCLASS HOOK**: Perform additional custom initialization actions. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from constructor. """ # Override default 'interval' value. self.config[self.CONFIG_INTERVAL] = 'daily' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sub_runlog_analyze(self, runlog, analysis): """ Analyze given runlog (hook for subclasses). """ command = runlog.get(self.RLANKEY_COMMAND, None) if command == 'cleanup': analysis[command] = {'caches': {}, 'events': {}, 'runlogs': {}, 'tables': {}} for rule in runlog[command].get('events', []): for counter in ('removed_cnt',): analysis[command]['events'][counter] = analysis[command]['events'].get(counter, 0) + rule.get(counter, 0) for table in runlog[command].get('tables', []): for counter in ('removed_cnt',): analysis[command]['tables'][counter] = analysis[command]['tables'].get(counter, 0) + table.get(counter, 0) for cachedir in runlog[command].get('caches', []): for counter in ('files_cnt','files_bytes','kept_cnt','kept_bytes','removed_cnt','removed_bytes', 'error_cnt'): analysis[command]['caches'][counter] = analysis[command]['caches'].get(counter, 0) + cachedir.get(counter, 0) for runlogdir in runlog[command].get('runlogs', []): for counter in ('files_cnt','files_bytes','kept_cnt','kept_bytes','removed_cnt','removed_bytes', 'error_cnt'): analysis[command]['runlogs'][counter] = analysis[command]['runlogs'].get(counter, 0) + runlogdir.get(counter, 0) return analysis def _sub_runlog_format_analysis(self, analysis): """ Format runlog analysis (hook for subclasses). """ if analysis.get(self.RLANKEY_COMMAND) == 'cleanup': tablew = pydgets.widgets.TableWidget() table_columns = [ { 'label': 'Filter' }, { 'label': 'Removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Count [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'DB size [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Storage size [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, ] table_data = [] for rule in analysis[self.RLANKEY_RUNLOG]['cleanup']['events']: table_data.append( [ rule['filter'], int(rule['removed_cnt']), int(rule['stats_post']['tables']['events']['row_estimate']), rule['stats_post']['tables']['events']['table_bytes'], rule['stats_post']['tables']['events']['total_bytes'], ] ) self.p("") self.p("Event cleanup statistics:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(table_data, columns = table_columns))) tablew = pydgets.widgets.TableWidget() table_columns = [ { 'label': 'Table' }, { 'label': 'Removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Count [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'DB size [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Storage size [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, ] table_data = [] for rule in analysis[self.RLANKEY_RUNLOG]['cleanup']['tables']: table_data.append( [ rule['table'], int(rule['removed_cnt']), int(rule['stats_post']['tables'][rule['table']]['row_estimate']), rule['stats_post']['tables'][rule['table']]['table_bytes'], rule['stats_post']['tables'][rule['table']]['total_bytes'], ] ) self.p("") self.p("Table cleanup statistics:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(table_data, columns = table_columns))) table_columns = [ { 'label': 'Cache' }, { 'label': 'Removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Removed [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Files [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Size [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Errors [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, ] table_data = [] for cachedir in analysis[self.RLANKEY_RUNLOG]['cleanup']['caches']: table_data.append( [ cachedir['cache'], cachedir['removed_cnt'], cachedir['removed_bytes'], cachedir['kept_cnt'], cachedir['kept_bytes'], cachedir['error_cnt'], ] ) self.p("") self.p("Cache cleanup statistics:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(table_data, columns = table_columns))) table_columns = [ { 'label': 'Runlogdir' }, { 'label': 'Removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Removed [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Files [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Size [MB]', 'data_type': 'sizemb', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Errors [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, ] table_data = [] for runlogdir in analysis[self.RLANKEY_RUNLOG]['cleanup']['runlogs']: table_data.append( [ runlogdir['runlogdir'], runlogdir['removed_cnt'], runlogdir['removed_bytes'], runlogdir['kept_cnt'], runlogdir['kept_bytes'], runlogdir['error_cnt'], ] ) self.p("") self.p("Runlog cleanup statistics:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(table_data, columns = table_columns))) def _sub_runlogs_format_evaluation(self, evaluation): """ Format runlog evaluations (hook for subclasses). """ tablew = pydgets.widgets.TableWidget() table_columns = [ { 'label': 'Date' }, { 'label': 'DB removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'TB removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'FS removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'RL removed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, ] table_data = [] for anl in evaluation[self.RLEVKEY_ANALYSES]: clrslt = anl.get('cleanup', None) if clrslt: table_data.append( [ anl['label'], anl['cleanup']['events'].get('removed_cnt', 0), anl['cleanup']['tables'].get('removed_cnt', 0), anl['cleanup']['caches'].get('removed_cnt', 0), anl['cleanup']['runlogs'].get('removed_cnt', 0), ] ) else: table_data.append( [ anl['label'], 0, 0, 0, 0, ] ) self.p("") self.p("Result overview for 'cleanup' command:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(table_data, columns = table_columns))) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_default_command(self): """ Return the name of the default script command. This command will be executed in case it is not explicitly selected either by command line option, or by configuration file directive. :return: Name of the default command. :rtype: str """ return 'cleanup'
[docs] def cbk_command_cleanup(self): """ Implementation of the **cleanup** command (*default*). Perform cleanup of configured database collections and directory caches. """ dt_current = datetime.datetime.utcnow()"Cleanup started with reference time '%s'.", dt_current.isoformat()) if self.c(self.CONFIG_SIMULATE): self.logger.warning("Running in simulation mode, no data will be actually removed") result = {} # Measure disk usage before cleanup. result['fsstats_pre'] = self._fsstats(self.c(self.CONFIG_DB_PATH)) # Perform cleanup of event table according to selected rules. result['events'] = [] for rule in self.c(self.CONFIG_EVENTS): res = self._cleanup_events(dt_current, **rule) result['events'].append(res) # Perform cleanup of various other tables according to selected rules. result['tables'] = [] for rule in self.c(self.CONFIG_TABLES): res = self._cleanup_table(dt_current, **rule) result['tables'].append(res) # Perform cleanup of selected folder caches. result['caches'] = [] for cachedir in self.c(self.CONFIG_CACHES): res = self._cleanup_cachedir(dt_current, **cachedir) result['caches'].append(res) # Perform cleanup of selected runlog folder. result['runlogs'] = [] for runlogdir in self.c(self.CONFIG_RUNLOGS): res = self._cleanup_runlogdir(dt_current, **runlogdir) result['runlogs'].append(res) # Measure disk usage after cleanup. result['fsstats_post'] = self._fsstats(self.c(self.CONFIG_DB_PATH)) return result
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _fsstats(fpath): """ Calculate the filesystem statistics. """ fsstats = os.statvfs(fpath) return dict( zip( ('f_bsize', 'f_frsize', 'f_blocks', 'f_bfree', 'f_bavail', 'f_files', 'f_ffree', 'f_favail', 'f_flag', 'f_namemax'), fsstats ) ) def _cleanup_events(self, dt_current, threshold_type, filter_spec = None): """ Cleanup event table according to given rule. """ # Determine the time threshold for cleanup operation. threshold = THRESHOLDS[threshold_type] dt_threshold = dt_current - threshold['d'] # Build the cleanup filter filter_spec = {} if not filter_spec else filter_spec filter_spec['st_to'] = dt_threshold # Prepare the result object result = { 'threshold': threshold_type, 'threshold_int': dt_threshold.timestamp(), 'threshold_str': dt_threshold.isoformat(), 'threshold_lbl': threshold['l'], 'filter': json.dumps(filter_spec, default = json_dump_cbk), } # Attempt to clean the collection "Event table cleanup started with threshold '%s': '%s' and with filter '%s'", result['threshold'], result['threshold_str'], result['filter'] ) result['stats_pre'] = self.eventservice.database_status(brief = True) if not self.c('simulate'): deleted_count = self.eventservice.delete_events(filter_spec) result['removed_cnt'] = int(deleted_count) else: deleted_count = self.eventservice.count_events(filter_spec) result['removed_cnt'] = int(deleted_count) result['stats_post'] = self.eventservice.database_status(brief = True)"Event table cleanup done, removed: {:,d} | kept: {:,d}".format( result['removed_cnt'], int(result['stats_post']['tables']['events']['row_estimate']) )) return result def _cleanup_table(self, dt_current, table, column, threshold_type): """ Cleanup given table according to given rule. """ # Determine the time threshold for cleanup operation. threshold = THRESHOLDS[threshold_type] dt_threshold = dt_current - threshold['d'] # Prepare the result object result = { 'threshold': threshold_type, 'threshold_int': dt_threshold.timestamp(), 'threshold_str': dt_threshold.isoformat(), 'threshold_lbl': threshold['l'], 'removed_cnt': 0 } # Attempt to clean the collection "Table '%s' cleanup started according to column '%s' with threshold '%s': '%s'", table, column, result['threshold'], result['threshold_str'] ) result['stats_pre'] = self.eventservice.database_status(brief = True) if not self.c('simulate'): deleted_count = self.eventservice.table_cleanup( table = table, column = column, ttl = dt_threshold ) result['removed_cnt'] = int(deleted_count) else: self.logger.warning( "Table cleanup does not support simulation, unable to detect number of deleted records.", ) result['stats_post'] = self.eventservice.database_status(brief = True)"Table {:s} cleanup done, removed: {:,d} | kept: {:,d}".format( table, result['removed_cnt'], int(result['stats_post']['tables'][table]['row_estimate']) )) return result def _cleanup_cachedir(self, dt_current, cachedir, threshold_type): """ Cleanup given filesystem cache. """ # Determine the time threshold for cleanup operation. threshold = THRESHOLDS[threshold_type] dt_threshold = dt_current - threshold['d'] result = { 'cache': cachedir, 'threshold': threshold_type, 'threshold_int': dt_threshold.timestamp(), 'threshold_str': dt_threshold.isoformat(), 'threshold_lbl': threshold['l'], 'files_cnt': 0, 'files_bytes': 0, 'kept_cnt': 0, 'kept_bytes': 0, 'removed_cnt': 0, 'removed_bytes': 0, 'error_cnt': 0, 'errors': [], } "Cache '%s' cleanup started with threshold '%s': '%s'", result['cache'], result['threshold'], result['threshold_str'] ) for root, dir_list, file_list in os.walk(cachedir, topdown=False): for fln in file_list: flp = os.path.join(root, fln) fst = os.stat(flp) result['files_cnt'] += 1 result['files_bytes'] += fst.st_size if fst.st_mtime < result['threshold_int']: try: if not self.c('simulate'): os.remove(flp) self.logger.debug( "Cache '%s': Permanently removed file '%s'", result['cache'], flp ) else: self.logger.debug( "Cache '%s': File '%s' would be permanently removed", result['cache'], flp ) result['removed_cnt'] += 1 result['removed_bytes'] += fst.st_size except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,broad-except self.error("Unable to remove cache file '{}': {}".format(flp, str(exc))) result['error_cnt'] += 1 result['errors'].append(flp) else: result['kept_cnt'] += 1 result['kept_bytes'] += fst.st_size for drn in dir_list: drp = os.path.join(root, drn) if not os.listdir(drp): if not self.c('simulate'): os.rmdir(drp) self.logger.debug( "Cache '%s': Permanently removed empty subdirectory '%s'", result['cache'], drp ) else: self.logger.debug( "Cache '%s': Empty subdirectory '%s' would be removed", result['cache'], drp )"Cache '{}' cleanup done, removed: {:,d} | kept: {:,d} | errors: {:,d}".format( result['cache'], result['removed_cnt'], result['kept_cnt'], result['error_cnt'] )) return result def _cleanup_runlogdir(self, dt_current, runlogdir, threshold_type): """ Cleanup given filesystem cache. """ # Determine the time threshold for cleanup operation. threshold = THRESHOLDS[threshold_type] dt_threshold = dt_current - threshold['d'] result = { 'runlogdir': runlogdir, 'threshold': threshold_type, 'threshold_int': dt_threshold.timestamp(), 'threshold_str': dt_threshold.isoformat(), 'threshold_lbl': threshold['l'], 'files_cnt': 0, 'files_bytes': 0, 'kept_cnt': 0, 'kept_bytes': 0, 'removed_cnt': 0, 'removed_bytes': 0, 'error_cnt': 0, 'errors': [], } "Runlogdir '%s' cleanup started with threshold '%s': '%s'", result['runlogdir'], result['threshold'], result['threshold_str'] ) for flp in glob.iglob('{}/**/*.runlog'.format(runlogdir)): if os.path.isfile(flp): fst = os.stat(flp) result['files_cnt'] += 1 result['files_bytes'] += fst.st_size if fst.st_mtime < result['threshold_int']: try: if not self.c('simulate'): os.remove(flp) self.logger.debug( "Runlogdir '%s': Permanently removed runlog '%s'", result['runlogdir'], flp ) else: self.logger.debug( "Runlogdir '%s': Runlog '%s' would be permanently removed", result['runlogdir'], flp ) result['removed_cnt'] += 1 result['removed_bytes'] += fst.st_size except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,broad-except self.error("Unable to remove runlog file '{}': {}".format(flp, str(exc))) result['error_cnt'] += 1 result['errors'].append(flp) else: result['kept_cnt'] += 1 result['kept_bytes'] += fst.st_size"Runlogdir '{}' cleanup done, removed: {:,d} | kept: {:,d} | errors: {:,d}".format( result['runlogdir'], result['removed_cnt'], result['kept_cnt'], result['error_cnt'] )) return result