Source code for mentat.module.reporter

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

This Mentat module is a script providing periodical event reports to target abuse

This script is implemented using the :py:mod:`pyzenkit.zenscript` framework and
so it provides all of its core features. See the documentation for more in-depth

It is further based on :py:mod:`mentat.script.fetcher` module, which provides
database fetching and message post-processing capabilities.

Usage examples

.. code-block:: shell

    # Display help message and exit. --help

    # Run in debug mode (enable output of debugging information to terminal). --debug

    # Run with insanely increased logging level. --log-level debug

    # Run in TEST DATA mode and MAIL TEST mode, force all reports to go to
    # ''. In test data mode only events tagged with 'Test'
    # category will be processed (useful for debugging). In mail test mode
    # all generated reports will be redirected to configured admin email (root
    # by default) instead of original contact, which is again useful for
    # debugging or testing. --mail-test-mode --test-data --mail-to

    # Force reporter to use different email report template and localization. --template-id another --locale cs

Available script commands

``report`` (*default*)
    Generate report containing overall Mentat system performance statistics
    within configured time interval thresholds.

Brief overview of reporting algorithm

Reporting algorithm follows these steps:

#. For all abuse groups found in database:

    #. For all event severities (``low``, ``medium``, ``high``, ``critical``):

        #. Fetch reporting configuration settings.
        #. Fetch events with given severity, that appeared in database in given
           time window and belonging to that particular group.
        #. Filter events with configured reporting filters.
        #. Remove events from detectors with low credibility.
        #. Threshold already reported events.
        #. Fetch relapsed events.
        #. Generate *summary* and/or *extra* reports and store them to database.
        #. Send reports via email to target abuse contacts.


__author__  = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import os
import time
import datetime
import fcntl
import errno

# Custom libraries
import pydgets.widgets
import mentat.script.fetcher
import mentat.const
import mentat.reports.utils
import mentat.reports.event
from mentat.datatype.sqldb import GroupModel

[docs]class SimpleFlock: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-few-public-methods """ Provides the simplest possible interface to flock-based file locking. Intended for use with the `with` syntax. It will create/truncate/delete the lock file as necessary. Resource: """ def __init__(self, path, timeout = None): self._path = path self._timeout = timeout self._fd = None def __enter__(self): self._fd =, os.O_CREAT) start_lock_search = time.time() while True: try: fcntl.flock(self._fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) # Lock acquired! return except (OSError, IOError) as ex: if ex.errno != errno.EAGAIN: # Resource temporarily unavailable raise if self._timeout is not None and time.time() > (start_lock_search + self._timeout): # Exceeded the user-specified timeout. raise # TODO: It would be nice to avoid an arbitrary sleep here, but spinning # without a delay is also undesirable. time.sleep(0.1) def __exit__(self, *args): fcntl.flock(self._fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(self._fd) self._fd = None # Try to remove the lock file, but don't try too hard because it is # unnecessary. This is mostly to help the user see whether a lock # exists by examining the filesystem. try: os.unlink(self._path) except: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,bare-except pass
[docs]class MentatReporterScript(mentat.script.fetcher.FetcherScript): """ Implementation of Mentat module (script) providing periodical statistical overview for message processing performance analysis. """ # # Class constants. # # List of configuration keys. CORECFG_REPORTER = '__core__reporter' CONFIG_REPORTS_DIR = 'reports_dir' CONFIG_TEMPLATES_DIR = 'templates_dir' CONFIG_EVENT_CLASSES_DIR = 'event_classes_dir' CONFIG_TEMPLATE_VARS = 'template_vars' CONFIG_FORCE_MODE = 'force_mode' CONFIG_FORCE_TEMPLATE = 'force_template' CONFIG_FORCE_LOCALE = 'force_locale' CONFIG_FORCE_TIMEZONE = 'force_timezone' CONFIG_TEST_DATA = 'test_data' def __init__(self): """ Initialize reporter script object. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`mentat.script.fetcher.FetcherScript.__init__` and it aims to even more simplify the script object creation by providing configuration values for parent contructor. """ # Declare private attributes. self.sqlservice = None self.mailerservice = None self.reporter = None super().__init__( description = ' - Mentat system event reporting', # # Load additional application-level plugins. # plugins = [ ] ) def _sub_stage_init(self, **kwargs): """ **SUBCLASS HOOK**: Perform additional custom initialization actions. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from constructor. """ # Override default 'interval' value. self.config[self.CONFIG_INTERVAL] = '10_minutes' # Override default 'adjust_thresholds' value. self.config[self.CONFIG_ADJUST_THRESHOLDS] = True def _init_argparser(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize script command line argument parser. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript._init_argparser` and it must return valid :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object. It appends additional command line options custom for this script object. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from object constructor. :return: Valid argument parser object. :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ argparser = super()._init_argparser(**kwargs) # # Create and populate options group for custom script arguments. # arggroup_script = argparser.add_argument_group('custom script arguments') arggroup_script.add_argument( '--force-mode', type = str, default = None, help = 'force a reporting mode setting' ) arggroup_script.add_argument( '--force-template', type = str, default = None, help = 'force a template for generating reports' ) arggroup_script.add_argument( '--force-locale', type = str, default = None, help = 'force a locale for generating reports' ) arggroup_script.add_argument( '--force-timezone', type = str, default = None, help = 'force a timezone for generating reports' ) arggroup_script.add_argument( '--test-data', action = 'store_true', default = None, help = 'use test data for reporting (flag)' ) return argparser def _init_config(self, cfgs, **kwargs): """ Initialize default script configurations. This method overrides the base implementation in :py:func:`pyzenkit.zenscript.ZenScript._init_config` and it appends additional configurations via ``cfgs`` parameter. This method is called from the main constructor in :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.__init__` as a part of the **__init__** stage of application`s life cycle. :param list cfgs: Additional set of configurations. :param kwargs: Various additional parameters passed down from constructor. :return: Default configuration structure. :rtype: dict """ cfgs = ( (self.CONFIG_FORCE_MODE, None), (self.CONFIG_FORCE_TEMPLATE, None), (self.CONFIG_FORCE_LOCALE, None), (self.CONFIG_FORCE_TIMEZONE, None), (self.CONFIG_TEST_DATA, False) ) + cfgs return super()._init_config(cfgs, **kwargs) def _sub_stage_evaluate(self, analysis): """ **SUBCLASS HOOK**: Perform additional evaluation actions in **evaluate** stage. Gets called from :py:func:`~BaseApp._stage_evaluate` and it is a **EVALUATE SUBSTAGE 01**. """ if analysis.get(self.RLANKEY_COMMAND) == 'report': if analysis['report']['abuse_groups']: "List of abuse groups with any reports: %s", ', '.join(analysis['report']['abuse_groups']) ) if analysis['report']['summary_ids']: "List of generated summary reports: %s", ', '.join(analysis['report']['summary_ids']) ) if analysis['report']['extra_ids']: "List of generated extra reports: %s", ', '.join(analysis['report']['extra_ids']) ) if analysis['report']['mails_to']: "List of report destinations: %s", ', '.join(analysis['report']['mails_to']) ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_default_command(self): """ Return the name of the default script command. This command will be executed in case it is not explicitly selected either by command line option, or by configuration file directive. :return: Name of the default command. :rtype: str """ return 'report'
[docs] def cbk_command_report(self): """ Implementation of the **report** command (*default*). Calculate statistics for messages stored into database within configured time interval thresholds. """ result = { 'reports': {} } # # Use locking mechanism to ensure there is always only one reporter # instance running. # with SimpleFlock("/var/tmp/", 5): groups_dict = {} settings_dict = {} for group in self._fetch_groups_enabled(): groups_dict[] = group settings_dict[] = mentat.reports.utils.ReportingSettings( group, force_mode = self.c(self.CONFIG_FORCE_MODE), force_template = self.c(self.CONFIG_FORCE_TEMPLATE), force_locale = self.c(self.CONFIG_FORCE_LOCALE), force_timezone = self.c(self.CONFIG_FORCE_TIMEZONE) ) whoismodule = whoismodule.setup() # Instantinate the reporter object. reporter = mentat.reports.event.EventReporter( self.logger, self.config[self.CORECFG_REPORTER][self.CONFIG_REPORTS_DIR], self.config[self.CORECFG_REPORTER][self.CONFIG_TEMPLATES_DIR], self.config[mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER][mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_FALLBACK], mentat.const.DFLT_REPORTING_LOCALE, mentat.const.DFLT_REPORTING_TIMEZONE, self.eventservice, self.sqlservice, self.mailerservice, self.config[self.CORECFG_REPORTER][self.CONFIG_EVENT_CLASSES_DIR], groups_dict, settings_dict, whoismodule, self.c(self.CONFIG_REGULAR) ) # Adjust time interval thresholds. time_h = self.calculate_upper_threshold( time_high = self.c(self.CONFIG_TIME_HIGH), interval = self.c(self.CONFIG_INTERVAL), adjust = self.c(self.CONFIG_REGULAR) ) time_h = time_h.replace(microsecond = 0)"Upper event report calculation time interval threshold: %s (%s)", time_h.isoformat(), time_h.timestamp()) if self.c(self.CONFIG_TEST_DATA):"Running in 'TESTDATA' mode: Reporting will be performed only for events tagged with 'Test' category.") # Perform reporting for all configured and enabled groups. for group in groups_dict.values(): result['reports'][] = self._report_for_group( reporter, group, settings_dict[], time_h ) # Cleanup thresholding cache after the reporting. result['cleanup'] = reporter.cleanup(time_h) return result
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _report_for_group(self, reporter, abuse_group, reporting_settings, time_h): """ Perform event reporting for given group. :param mentat.reports.event.EventReporter reporter: Event reporter. :param mentat.datatype.internal.GroupModel abuse_group: Abuse group. :param mentat.reports.utils.ReportingSettings reporting_settings: Reporting settings. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time boundary. :return: Dictionary structure containing information about reporting result. :rtype: dict """ result = {} # Perform reporting separatelly for each severity. for severity in mentat.const.EVENT_SEVERITIES: pstate_key = 'ts_last_{}_{}'.format(severity, period = reporting_settings.timing_cfg[severity]['per'] time_l = self.pstate.get(pstate_key, None) # In case we have timestamp of last successful run, use it as lower # threshold. if time_l: time_l = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_l) # Check, that we are not running too soon. if self.c(self.CONFIG_REGULAR) and (time_l + period) > time_h: self.logger.debug( "%s: Skipping reporting for event severity '%s' and period '%s': At %s it is too soon, waiting until %s.",, severity, period, time_h.isoformat(), (time_l + period).isoformat(), ) result[severity] = {'result': 'skipped-too-soon'} continue # Otherwise calculate lower threshold from configured reporting period. else: time_l = time_h - period # Proceed to actual reporting. result[severity] = abuse_group, severity, time_l, time_h, self.config[self.CORECFG_REPORTER][self.CONFIG_TEMPLATE_VARS], self.c(self.CONFIG_TEST_DATA) ) # Evaluate reporting results. if result[severity]['result'] == 'reported': "%s: Generated summary report '%s' with severity '%s' and time interval %s -> %s (%s).",, result[severity]['summary_id'], severity, time_l.isoformat(), time_h.isoformat(), str(time_h - time_l) ) elif result[severity]['result'] == 'skipped-no-events': self.logger.debug( "%s: Skipped reporting for severity '%s' and time interval %s -> %s (%s): No events to report.",, severity, time_l.isoformat(), time_h.isoformat(), str(time_h - time_l) ) # Update the timestamp of last successful reporting for particular # severity ang abuse group. self.pstate[pstate_key] = time_h.timestamp() return result #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _fetch_groups_from_events(self, time_h): """ Fetch all abuse group names from events database for a given time window. :return: Set of all abuse group names as strings. :rtype: set """ # Calculate lower threshold of considered events by using the longest period for reporting. period = datetime.timedelta(seconds = mentat.const.REPORTING_INTERVALS[mentat.const.REPORTING_TIMING_DEFAULT_LOW_PER]) time_l = time_h - period count, events = self.eventservice.search_events({ 'st_from': time_l, 'st_to': time_h, 'groups': ['__ANY__'] }) # Uniquify the found groups. result = [] for e in events: result.extend(e.get_abuses()) return set(result) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _fetch_groups_enabled(self): """ Fetch all abuse group objects from main database with ``enabled`` attribute set to ``True``. :return: List of all enabled abuse group objects as :py:class:`mentat.datatype.sqldb.GroupModel`. :rtype: list """ groups = self.sqlservice.session.query(GroupModel).\ filter(GroupModel.enabled).\ order_by(\ all() self.sqlservice.session.commit() self.logger.debug( "Found total of %d enabled abuse group(s) in main database.", len(groups) ) return groups def _sub_runlog_analyze(self, runlog, analysis): """ Analyze given runlog (hook for subclasses). """ command = runlog.get(self.RLANKEY_COMMAND, None) if command == 'report': analysis[command] = { 'report_count': 0, 'summary_ids': [], 'extra_ids': [], 'mails_to': [], 'abuse_groups': [] } tmphlp = analysis[command] for abuse_group, report_stats in runlog[command].get('reports', {}).items(): for severity, severity_stats in report_stats.items(): for counter in ('evcount_all', 'evcount_new', 'evcount_rep', 'evcount_flt', 'evcount_flt_blk', 'evcount_thr', 'evcount_thr_blk', 'evcount_rlp'): tmphlp[counter] = tmphlp.get(counter, 0) + severity_stats.get(counter, 0) if 'summary_id' in severity_stats and severity_stats['summary_id']: tmphlp['summary_ids'].append(severity_stats['summary_id']) tmphlp['abuse_groups'].append(abuse_group) tmphlp['report_count'] += 1 if 'extra_id' in severity_stats and severity_stats['extra_id']: tmphlp['extra_ids'].extend(severity_stats['extra_id']) tmphlp['abuse_groups'].append(abuse_group) tmphlp['report_count'] += len(severity_stats['extra_id']) if 'mail_to' in severity_stats and severity_stats['mail_to']: tmphlp['mails_to'].extend(severity_stats['mail_to']) tmphlp['mails_to'] = list(set(tmphlp['mails_to'])) tmphlp['abuse_groups'] = list(set(tmphlp['abuse_groups'])) return analysis def _sub_runlog_format_analysis(self, analysis): """ Format runlog analysis (hook for subclasses). """ if analysis.get(self.RLANKEY_COMMAND) == 'report': tablew = pydgets.widgets.TableWidget() tcols = [ { 'label': 'Statistics', 'data_formating': '{:s}', 'align': '<' }, { 'label': 'Value', 'data_formating': '{:s}', 'align': '>' }, ] tbody = [ ['Processed [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_all'])], ['Reported [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_rep'])], ['New [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_new'])], ['Relapsed [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_rlp'])], ['Filtered [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_flt_blk'])], ['Thresholded [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_thr_blk'])], ['Uncredible [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['evcount_det_blk'])], ['Reports [#]', '{:,d}'.format(analysis['report']['report_count'])], ] self.p("") self.p("Reporting information:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(tbody, columns = tcols, enumerate = False, header = False))) if 'abuse_groups' in analysis['report'] and analysis['report']['abuse_groups']: self.p("") self.p("Abuse_groups:") listw = pydgets.widgets.ListWidget() self.p("\n".join(listw.render(analysis['report']['abuse_groups']))) if 'summary_ids' in analysis['report'] and analysis['report']['summary_ids']: self.p("") self.p("Generated summary reports:") listw = pydgets.widgets.ListWidget() self.p("\n".join(listw.render(analysis['report']['summary_ids']))) if 'extra_ids' in analysis['report'] and analysis['report']['extra_ids']: self.p("") self.p("Generated extra reports:") listw = pydgets.widgets.ListWidget() self.p("\n".join(listw.render(analysis['report']['extra_ids']))) if 'mails_to' in analysis['report'] and analysis['report']['mails_to']: self.p("") self.p("Email destinations:") listw = pydgets.widgets.ListWidget() self.p("\n".join(listw.render(analysis['report']['mails_to']))) def _sub_runlogs_format_evaluation(self, evaluation): """ Format runlog evaluations (hook for subclasses). """ tablew = pydgets.widgets.TableWidget() table_columns = [ { 'label': 'Date' }, { 'label': 'Processed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Reported [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'New [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Relapsed [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Filtered [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Uncredible [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Thresholded [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, { 'label': 'Reports [#]', 'data_formating': '{:,d}', 'align': '>' }, ] table_data = [] for anl in evaluation[self.RLEVKEY_ANALYSES]: clrslt = anl.get('report', None) if clrslt: table_data.append( [ anl['label'], anl['report'].get('evcount_all', 0), anl['report'].get('evcount_rep', 0), anl['report'].get('evcount_new', 0), anl['report'].get('evcount_rlp', 0), anl['report'].get('evcount_flt_blk', 0), anl['report'].get('evcount_det_blk', 0), anl['report'].get('evcount_thr_blk', 0), anl['report'].get('report_count', 0), ] ) else: table_data.append( [ anl['label'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ] ) self.p("") self.p("Result overview for 'report' command:") self.p("\n".join(tablew.render(table_data, columns = table_columns)))