Source code for mentat.reports.event

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Library for generating event reports.

The implementation is based on :py:class:`mentat.reports.base.BaseReporter`.

__author__  = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import os
import json
import datetime
import zipfile
from copy import deepcopy

# Custom libraries
from pynspect.jpath   import jpath_value, jpath_values
from pynspect.gparser import PynspectFilterParser
from pynspect.filters import DataObjectFilter

from mentat.idea.internal import IDEAFilterCompiler

import mentat.const
import mentat.datatype.internal
import mentat.idea.internal
import mentat.stats.idea
from mentat.const import tr_
from mentat.reports.utils import StorageThresholdingCache, NoThresholdingCache
from mentat.datatype.sqldb import EventReportModel, DetectorModel
from mentat.emails.event import ReportEmail
from mentat.reports.base import BaseReporter
from import record_to_idea

REPORT_SUBJECT_SUMMARY = tr_("[{:s}] {:s} - Notice about possible problems in your network")
"""Subject for summary report emails."""

REPORT_SUBJECT_EXTRA = tr_("[{:s}] {:s} - Notice about possible problems regarding host {:s}")
"""Subject for extra report emails."""

"""Width of the report email text."""

[docs]def json_default(val): """ Helper function for JSON serialization of non basic data types. """ if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime): return val.isoformat() return str(val)
[docs]class EventReporter(BaseReporter): """ Implementation of reporting class providing Mentat event reports. """ def __init__(self, logger, reports_dir, templates_dir, global_fallback, locale, timezone, eventservice, sqlservice, mailer, event_classes_dir, groups_dict, settings_dict, whoismodule, thresholding = True): self.translations_dir = ";".join([os.path.join(event_classes_dir, event_class, "translations") for event_class in os.listdir(event_classes_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(event_classes_dir, event_class))]) self.translations_dir += ";" + os.path.join(templates_dir, "translations") super().__init__(logger, reports_dir, templates_dir + ";" + event_classes_dir, locale, timezone, self.translations_dir) self.eventservice = eventservice self.sqlservice = sqlservice self.mailer = mailer self.event_classes_data = {} self.event_classes_dir = event_classes_dir self.global_fallback = global_fallback self.filter_parser = PynspectFilterParser() self.filter_compiler = IDEAFilterCompiler() self.filter_worker = DataObjectFilter() self.whoismodule = whoismodule self.groups_dict = groups_dict self.settings_dict = settings_dict self.detectors_dict = { : det for det in self.sqlservice.session.query(DetectorModel).all()} if thresholding: self.tcache = StorageThresholdingCache(logger, eventservice) else: self.tcache = NoThresholdingCache() def _get_event_class_data(self, event_class): if event_class not in self.event_classes_data: self.event_classes_data[event_class] = data = {} if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.event_classes_dir, event_class, "info.json")): with open(os.path.join(self.event_classes_dir, event_class, "info.json"), encoding="utf8") as file: info = json.load(file) for key in ["label", "reference"]: if key in info: data[key] = info[key] data["has_macro"] = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.event_classes_dir, event_class, "email.j2")) def _setup_renderer(self, templates_dir): """ *Interface reimplementation* of :py:func:`mentat.reports.base.BaseReporter._setup_renderer` """ renderer = super()._setup_renderer(templates_dir) renderer.globals['idea_path_valueset'] = self.j2t_idea_path_valueset return renderer
[docs] @staticmethod def j2t_idea_path_valueset(message_s, jpath_s): """ Calculate and return set of all values on all given jpaths in all given messages. Messages and jpaths can also be single values. """ result = {} if not isinstance(message_s, list): message_s = [message_s] if not isinstance(jpath_s, list): jpath_s = [jpath_s] for item in message_s: for jpath in jpath_s: values = item.get_jpath_values(jpath) for val in values: result[val] = 1 return list(sorted(result.keys()))
[docs] def cleanup(self, ttl): """ Cleanup thresholding cache and remove all records with TTL older than given value. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper cleanup time threshold. :return: Number of removed records. :rtype: int """ return self.tcache.cleanup(ttl)
[docs] def report(self, abuse_group, severity, time_l, time_h, template_vars = None, testdata = False): """ Perform reporting for given most specific abuse group, event severity and time window. :param mentat.datatype.internal.GroupModel abuse_group: Abuse group. :param str severity: Severity for which to perform reporting. :param datetime.datetime time_l: Lower reporting time threshold. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time threshold. :param dict template_vars: Dictionary containing additional template variables. :param bool testdata: Switch to use test data for reporting. """ result = {} result['ts_from_s'] = time_l.isoformat() result['ts_to_s'] = time_h.isoformat() result['ts_from'] = int(time_l.timestamp()) result['ts_to'] = int(time_h.timestamp()) events = {} while True: # A: Fetch events from database. events_fetched = self.fetch_severity_events(abuse_group, severity, time_l, time_h, testdata) result['evcount_new'] = len(events_fetched) if not events_fetched: break # B: Perform event filtering according to custom group filters and aggregate by source. events_passed_filters, aggregated_events, fltlog, passed_cnt = self.filter_events(, events_fetched) for groups in aggregated_events: group_chain = groups[0] if str(group_chain) not in result: result[str(group_chain)] = {} result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_all'] = len(events_passed_filters[groups]) result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_new'] = result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_all'] result['evcount_flt'] = passed_cnt result['evcount_flt_blk'] = result['evcount_new'] - passed_cnt result['filtering'] = fltlog if result['evcount_flt']: "%s: Filters let %d events through, %d blocked.",, result['evcount_flt'], result['evcount_flt_blk'] ) else: "%s: Filters blocked all %d events, nothing to report.",, result['evcount_flt_blk'] ) break # Create new dictionary to store events coming from credible detectors. aggregated_credible_events = {} for groups, events_aggr in aggregated_events.items(): group_chain = groups[0] # C: Discard events from detectors with low credibility. _events_aggr, blocked_cnt = self.filter_events_by_credibility(events_aggr) # If all events were discarded, _events_aggr is None. if _events_aggr: aggregated_credible_events[groups] = _events_aggr # Save information about how many events passed and how many were discarded. result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_det'] = result['evcount_flt'] - blocked_cnt result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_det_blk'] = blocked_cnt for groups, events_aggr in aggregated_credible_events.items(): group_chain = groups[0] # D: Perform event thresholding. events_thr, events_aggr = self.threshold_events(events_aggr, abuse_group, group_chain, severity, time_h) result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_thr'] = len(events_thr) result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_thr_blk'] = result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_det'] - len(events_thr) if not events_thr: continue # E: Save aggregated events for further processing. events[groups] = {} events[groups]['regular'] = events_thr events[groups]['regular_aggr'] = events_aggr break while True: # A: Detect possible event relapses. events_rel = self.relapse_events(abuse_group, severity, time_h) if not events_rel: break # B: Aggregate events by sources for further processing. events_rel, events_aggregated, fltlog, passed_cnt = self.filter_events(, map(record_to_idea, events_rel)) for groups, events_aggr in events_aggregated.items(): group_chain = groups[0] if str(group_chain) not in result: result[str(group_chain)] = {} result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_all'] = 0 result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_rlp'] = len(events_rel[groups]) result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_all'] += result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_rlp'] if groups not in events: events[groups] = {} events[groups]['relapsed'] = events_rel[groups] events[groups]['relapsed_aggr'] = events_aggr break if not events: result['result'] = 'skipped-no-events' for groups, groups_events in events.items(): (group_chain, fallback_groups) = groups # Check, that there is anything to report (regular and/or relapsed events). if 'regular' not in groups_events and 'relapsed' not in groups_events: result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_rep'] = 0 result[str(group_chain)]['result'] = 'skipped-no-events' continue result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_rep'] = len(groups_events.get('regular', [])) + len(groups_events.get('relapsed', [])) main_group_settings = self.settings_dict[group_chain[0]] original_group_only = len(group_chain) == 1 and group_chain[0] == # Generate summary report. report_summary = self.report_summary(result, groups_events, group_chain, fallback_groups, main_group_settings, severity, time_l, time_h, original_group_only, template_vars, testdata) # Generate extra reports. self.report_extra(report_summary, result, groups_events, group_chain, fallback_groups, main_group_settings, severity, time_l, time_h, template_vars, testdata) # Update thresholding cache. self.update_thresholding_cache(groups_events, main_group_settings, severity, time_h) result['result'] = 'reported' result[str(group_chain)]['result'] = 'reported' return result
[docs] def report_summary(self, result, events, group_chain, fallback_groups, settings, severity, time_l, time_h, original_group_only, template_vars = None, testdata = False): """ Generate summary report from given events for given abuse group, severity and period. :param dict result: Reporting result structure with various usefull metadata. :param dict events: Dictionary structure with IDEA events to be reported. :param list group_chain: List of resolved abuse groups. :param list fallback_groups: List of fallback abuse groups. :param mentat.reports.event.ReportingSettings settings: Reporting settings. :param str severity: Severity for which to perform reporting. :param datetime.datetime time_l: Lower reporting time threshold. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time threshold. :param bool original_group_only: Check if there is only the most specific abuse group. :param dict template_vars: Dictionary containing additional template variables. :param bool testdata: Switch to use test data for reporting. """ # Instantinate the report object. evcount_flt_blk = result.get('evcount_flt_blk', 0) if original_group_only else 0 report = EventReportModel( groups = [self.groups_dict[group] for group in group_chain], severity = severity, type = mentat.const.REPORT_TYPE_SUMMARY, dt_from = time_l, dt_to = time_h, evcount_rep = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_rep', 0), evcount_all = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_all', 0) + evcount_flt_blk, evcount_new = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_new', 0) + evcount_flt_blk, evcount_flt = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_new', 0), evcount_flt_blk = evcount_flt_blk, evcount_det = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_det', 0), evcount_det_blk = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_det_blk', 0), evcount_thr = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_thr', 0), evcount_thr_blk = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_thr_blk', 0), evcount_rlp = result[str(group_chain)].get('evcount_rlp', 0), flag_testdata = testdata, filtering = result.get('filtering', {}) if original_group_only else {} ) report.generate_label() report.calculate_delta() events_all = events.get('regular', []) + events.get('relapsed', []) report.statistics = mentat.stats.idea.truncate_evaluations( mentat.stats.idea.evaluate_events(events_all) ) # Save report data to disk in JSON format. self._save_to_json_files( events_all, 'security-report-{}.json'.format(report.label) ) report.structured_data = self.prepare_structured_data(events.get('regular_aggr', {}), events.get('relapsed_aggr', {}), settings) # Remove groups which don't want to receive a summary. final_group_list = [g for g in group_chain if self.settings_dict[g].mode in (mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_SUMMARY, mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_BOTH)] # Send report via email. if final_group_list: self._mail_report(report, self.settings_dict[final_group_list[0]], final_group_list, fallback_groups, result, template_vars) # Commit all changes on report object to database. self.sqlservice.session.add(report) self.sqlservice.session.commit() result['summary_id'] = report.label return report
[docs] def report_extra(self, parent_rep, result, events, group_chain, fallback_groups, settings, severity, time_l, time_h, template_vars = None, testdata = False): """ Generate extra reports from given events for given abuse group, severity and period. :param mentat.datatype.sqldb.EventReportModel parent_rep: Parent summary report. :param dict result: Reporting result structure with various usefull metadata. :param dict events: Dictionary structure with IDEA events to be reported. :param list group_chain: List of resolved abuse groups. :param list fallback_groups: List of fallback abuse groups. :param mentat.reports.event.ReportingSettings settings: Reporting settings. :param str severity: Severity for which to perform reporting. :param datetime.datetime time_l: Lower reporting time threshold. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time threshold. :param dict template_vars: Dictionary containing additional template variables. :param bool testdata: Switch to use test data for reporting. """ if all(self.settings_dict[g].mode not in (mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_EXTRA, mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_BOTH) for g in group_chain): return sources = list( set( list(events.get('regular_aggr', {}).keys()) + list(events.get('relapsed_aggr', {}).keys()) ) ) for src in sorted(sources): events_regular_aggr = events.get('regular_aggr', {}).get(src, []) events_relapsed_aggr = events.get('relapsed_aggr', {}).get(src, []) events_all = events_regular_aggr + events_relapsed_aggr # Instantinate the report object. report = EventReportModel( groups = [self.groups_dict[group] for group in group_chain], parent = parent_rep, severity = severity, type = mentat.const.REPORT_TYPE_EXTRA, dt_from = time_l, dt_to = time_h, evcount_rep = len(events_all), evcount_all = result[str(group_chain)]['evcount_rep'], flag_testdata = testdata ) report.generate_label() report.calculate_delta() report.statistics = mentat.stats.idea.truncate_evaluations( mentat.stats.idea.evaluate_events(events_all) ) # Save report data to disk in JSON format. self._save_to_json_files( events_all, 'security-report-{}.json'.format(report.label) ) report.structured_data = self.prepare_structured_data({src: events_regular_aggr}, {src: events_relapsed_aggr}, settings) # Send report via email. final_group_list = [g for g in group_chain if self.settings_dict[g].mode in (mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_EXTRA, mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_BOTH)] if final_group_list: self._mail_report(report, self.settings_dict[final_group_list[0]], final_group_list, fallback_groups, result, template_vars, src) # Commit all changes on report object to database. self.sqlservice.session.add(report) self.sqlservice.session.commit() result.setdefault('extra_id', []).append(report.label)
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_structured_data(events_reg_aggr, events_rel_aggr, settings): """ Prepare structured data for report column :param list events_reg_aggr: List of events as :py:class:`mentat.idea.internal.Idea` objects. :param list events_rel_aggr: List of relapsed events as :py:class:`mentat.idea.internal.Idea` objects. :return: Structured data that can be used to generate report message :rtype: dict """ result = {} result["regular"] = EventReporter.aggregate_events(events_reg_aggr) result["relapsed"] = EventReporter.aggregate_events(events_rel_aggr) result["timezone"] = str(settings.timezone) return result
[docs] def fetch_severity_events(self, abuse_group, severity, time_l, time_h, testdata = False): """ Fetch events with given severity for given abuse group within given time iterval. :param abuse_group: Abuse group model object. :param str severity: Event severity level to fetch. :param datetime.datetime time_l: Lower time interval boundary. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper time interval boundary. :param bool testdata: Switch to use test data for reporting. :return: List of events matching search criteria. :rtype: list """ count, events = self.eventservice.search_events({ 'st_from': time_l, 'st_to': time_h, 'groups': [], 'severities': [severity], 'categories': ['Test'], 'not_categories': not testdata }) if not events: self.logger.debug( "%s: Found no event(s) with severity '%s' and time interval %s -> %s (%s).",, severity, time_l.isoformat(), time_h.isoformat(), str(time_h - time_l) ) else: "%s: Found %d event(s) with severity '%s' and time interval %s -> %s (%s).",, len(events), severity, time_l.isoformat(), time_h.isoformat(), str(time_h - time_l) ) return events
def _filter_groups(self, groups, event, fltlog): filtered_groups = [] for group in groups: filter_list = self.settings_dict[group].setup_filters(self.filter_parser, self.filter_compiler) match = self.filter_event(filter_list, event) if match: self.logger.debug("Event matched filtering rule '%s' of group %s.", match, group) fltlog[match] = fltlog.get(match, 0) + 1 else: filtered_groups.append(group) return filtered_groups, fltlog
[docs] def filter_one_event(self, src, event, main_group, fltlog): """ Compute and filter resolved abuses for an event with only one source IP address. :param ipranges.IP/Net/Range src: Source IP address :param mentat.idea.internal.Idea event: Event to be filtered. :param str main_group: Abuse group. :param dict fltlog: Filtering log. :return: List of resolved abuses, list of fallback groups and filtering log as dictionary. :rtype: tuple """ # Get resolved abuses for a given source sorted by the priority. groups = [] fallback_groups = [] for net in self.whoismodule.lookup(src)[::-1]: if net['is_base']: self.logger.debug( "Adding group '%s' to fallback groups of event with ID '%s' because '%s' belongs to base network.", net['abuse_group'], event['ID'], str(src) ) fallback_groups.append(net['abuse_group']) else: groups.append(net['abuse_group']) # dict.fromkeys uniquifies the list while preserving the order of the elements. groups = list(dict.fromkeys(groups)) fallback_groups = list(dict.fromkeys(fallback_groups)) # Ignore sources where the main abuse group is different from the currently processed one. if main_group not in groups: return [], [], fltlog filtered_groups, fltlog = self._filter_groups(groups, event, fltlog) # If any filtering rule of at least one of the groups was matched then this event shall not be reported to anyone. if filtered_groups != groups: self.logger.debug("Discarding event with ID '%s' from reports.", event['ID']) return [], [], fltlog fallback_groups, fltlog = self._filter_groups(fallback_groups, event, fltlog) return filtered_groups, fallback_groups, fltlog
[docs] def filter_events_by_credibility(self, events_aggr): """ Filter given dictionary of IDEA events aggregated by the source IP address by detector credibility. If the resulting credibility is less than 0.5, the event is discarded from the report. :param dict events_aggt: Dictionary of IDEA events as :py:class:`mentat.idea.internal.Idea` objects. :return: Tuple with filtered dictionary, number of events passed, number of events discarded. :rtype: tuple """ blocked = set() _events_aggr = {} for ip in events_aggr: for event in events_aggr[ip]: _pass = 1.0 for detector in event.get_detectors(): if detector not in self.detectors_dict:"Event with ID '%s' contains unknown detector '%s'. Assuming full credibility.", event.get_id(), detector) continue _pass *= self.detectors_dict[detector].credibility if _pass < 0.5: if event.get_id() in blocked: continue"Discarding event with ID '%s'.", event.get_id()) blocked.add(event.get_id()) # Increase number of hits. sql_detector = self.detectors_dict[event.get_detectors()[-1]] sql_detector.hits += 1 # Inefficient but rare so should be alright. self.sqlservice.session.add(sql_detector) self.sqlservice.session.commit() else: if ip not in _events_aggr: _events_aggr[ip] = [] _events_aggr[ip].append(event) return _events_aggr, len(blocked)
[docs] def filter_events(self, main_group, events): """ Filter given list of IDEA events according to given abuse group settings. Events are aggregated by resolved abuses and source IP addresses. :param str main_group: Abuse group. :param list events: List of IDEA events as :py:class:`mentat.idea.internal.Idea` objects. :return: Tuple with list of events that passed filtering, aggregation of them, filtering log as a dictionary and number of passed events. :rtype: tuple """ result = {} aggregated_result = {} fltlog = {} filtered_cnt = 0 seen = {} for event in events: acc = [] passed = False if len(jpath_values(event, 'Source.IP4') + jpath_values(event, 'Source.IP6')) > 1: event_copy = deepcopy(event) for source in event_copy["Source"]: source["IP4"] = [] source["IP6"] = [] for src in set(jpath_values(event, 'Source.IP4')): event_copy["Source"][0]["IP4"] = [src] filtered_groups, fallback_groups, fltlog = self.filter_one_event(src, event_copy, main_group, fltlog) acc.append((src, filtered_groups, fallback_groups)) event_copy["Source"][0]["IP4"] = [] for src in set(jpath_values(event, 'Source.IP6')): event_copy["Source"][0]["IP6"] = [src] filtered_groups, fallback_groups, fltlog = self.filter_one_event(src, event_copy, main_group, fltlog) acc.append((src, filtered_groups, fallback_groups)) else: for src in set(jpath_values(event, 'Source.IP4') + jpath_values(event, 'Source.IP6')): filtered_groups, fallback_groups, fltlog = self.filter_one_event(src, event, main_group, fltlog) acc.append((src, filtered_groups, fallback_groups)) for src, filtered_groups, fallback_groups in acc: if not filtered_groups: if not fallback_groups: continue filtered_groups = fallback_groups passed = True groups = (tuple(filtered_groups), tuple(fallback_groups)) if groups not in result: result[groups] = [] seen[groups] = [] if groups not in aggregated_result: aggregated_result[groups] = {} if str(src) not in aggregated_result[groups]: aggregated_result[groups][str(src)] = [] aggregated_result[groups][str(src)].append(event) if event['ID'] not in seen[groups]: result[groups].append(event) seen[groups].append(event['ID']) if passed: filtered_cnt += 1 else: self.logger.debug("Event matched filtering rules, all sources filtered") return result, aggregated_result, fltlog, filtered_cnt
@staticmethod def _whois_filter(sources, src, _whoismodule, whoismodule_cache): """ Help method for filtering sources by abuse group's networks """ if src not in whoismodule_cache: # Source IP must belong to network range of given abuse group. whoismodule_cache[src] = bool(_whoismodule.lookup(src)) if whoismodule_cache[src]: sources.add(src) return sources
[docs] def threshold_events(self, events_aggr, abuse_group, group_chain, severity, time_h): """ Threshold given list of IDEA events according to given abuse group settings. :param dict events_aggr: Aggregation of IDEA events as :py:class:`mentat.idea.internal.Idea` objects by source. :param mentat.datatype.sqldb.GroupModel: Abuse group. :param str severity: Severity for which to perform reporting. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time threshold. :return: List of events that passed thresholding. :rtype: list """ result = {} aggregated_result = {} filtered = set() for source, events in events_aggr.items(): for event in events: if not self.tcache.event_is_thresholded(event, source, time_h): if source not in aggregated_result: aggregated_result[source] = [] aggregated_result[source].append(event) result[event["ID"]] = event else: filtered.add(event["ID"]) self.tcache.threshold_event(event, source,, severity, time_h) filtered -= set(result.keys()) if result: "%s: Thresholds let %d events through, %d blocked.", group_chain, len(result), len(filtered) ) else: "%s: Thresholds blocked all %d events, nothing to report.", group_chain, len(filtered) ) return list(result.values()), aggregated_result
[docs] def relapse_events(self, abuse_group, severity, time_h): """ Detect IDEA event relapses for given abuse group settings. :param mentat.datatype.sqldb.GroupModel abuse_group: Abuse group. :param str severity: Severity for which to perform reporting. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time threshold. :return: List of events that relapsed. :rtype: list """ events = self.eventservice.search_relapsed_events(, severity, time_h ) if not events: self.logger.debug( "%s: No relapsed events with severity '%s' and relapse threshold TTL '%s'.",, severity, time_h.isoformat() ) else: "%s: Found %d relapsed event(s) with severity '%s' and relapse threshold TTL '%s'.",, len(events), severity, time_h.isoformat() ) return events
[docs] def aggregate_relapsed_events(self, relapsed): """ :param dict events: Dictionary of events aggregated by threshold key. :return: Events aggregated by source. :rtype: dict """ result = [] aggregated_result = {} for event in relapsed: result.append(record_to_idea(event)) for key in event.keyids: source = self.tcache.get_source_from_cache_key(key) if source not in aggregated_result: aggregated_result[source] = [] aggregated_result[source].append(result[-1]) return result, aggregated_result
[docs] def update_thresholding_cache(self, events, settings, severity, time_h): """ :param dict events: Dictionary structure with IDEA events that were reported. :param mentat.reports.event.ReportingSettings settings: Reporting settings. :param str severity: Severity for which to perform reporting. :param datetime.datetime time_h: Upper reporting time threshold. """ ttl = time_h + settings.timing_cfg[severity]['thr'] rel = ttl - settings.timing_cfg[severity]['rel'] for source in events.get('regular_aggr', {}): for event in events['regular_aggr'][source]: self.tcache.set_threshold(event, source, time_h, rel, ttl) for source in events.get('relapsed_aggr', {}): for event in events['relapsed_aggr'][source]: self.tcache.set_threshold(event, source, time_h, rel, ttl)
[docs] def filter_event(self, filter_rules, event, to_db=True): """ Filter given event according to given list of filtering rules. :param list filter_rules: Filters to be used. :param mentat.idea.internal.Idea: Event to be filtered. :param bool to_db: Save hit to db. :return: ``True`` in case any filter matched, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ for flt in filter_rules: if self.filter_worker.filter(flt[1], event): if to_db: flt[0].hits += 1 flt[0].last_hit = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return flt[0].name return False
[docs] @staticmethod def aggregate_events(events): """ Aggregate given list of events to dictionary structure that can be used to generate report message. :param dict events: Structure containing events as :py:class:`mentat.idea.internal.Idea` objects. :return: Dictionary structure of aggregated events. :rtype: dict """ result = {} for ip in events.keys(): for event in events[ip]: idea_event_class = jpath_value(event, '_Mentat.EventClass') or jpath_value(event, '_CESNET.EventClass') event_class = str(idea_event_class or '__UNKNOWN__') ip_result = result.setdefault(event_class, {}).setdefault(str(ip), { "first_time": datetime.datetime.max, "last_time": datetime.datetime.min, "count": 0, "detectors_count": {}, "approx_conn_count": 0, "conn_count": 0, "flow_count": 0, "packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0, "source": { "hostname": {}, "mac": {}, "port": {}, "proto": {}, "url": {}, "email": {}, }, "target": { "hostname": {}, "mac": {}, "port": {}, "proto": {}, "url": {}, "email": {}, }, }) ip_result["first_time"] = min(event.get("EventTime") or event["DetectTime"], ip_result["first_time"]) ip_result["last_time"] = max(event.get("CeaseTime") or event.get("EventTime") or event["DetectTime"], ip_result["last_time"]) ip_result["count"] += 1 # Name of last node for identify unique detector names ip_result["detectors_count"][event.get("Node", [{}])[-1].get("Name")] = 1 ip_result["approx_conn_count"] += event["ConnCount"] if event.get("ConnCount") else int(event.get("FlowCount", 0) / 2) for data_key, idea_key in (("conn_count", "ConnCount"), ("flow_count", "FlowCount"), ("packet_count", "PacketCount"), ("byte_count", "ByteCount")): ip_result[data_key] += event.get(idea_key, 0) for st in ("Source", "Target"): for k in ("Hostname", "MAC", "Port", "Proto", "URL", "Email"): for value in jpath_values(event, st + "." + k): ip_result[st.lower()][k.lower()][value] = 1 for abuse_value in result.values(): for ip_value in abuse_value.values(): ip_value["detectors_count"] = len(ip_value["detectors_count"]) ip_value["first_time"] = ip_value["first_time"].isoformat() ip_value["last_time"] = ip_value["last_time"].isoformat() for st in ("source", "target"): for k in ("hostname", "mac", "port", "proto", "url", "email"): ip_value[st][k] = sorted(ip_value[st][k].keys()) return result
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _save_to_json_files(self, data, filename): """ Helper method for saving given data into given JSON file. This method can be used for saving report data attachments to disk. :param dict data: Data to be serialized. :param str filename: Name of the target JSON file. :return: Paths to the created files. :rtype: tuple """ dirpath = mentat.const.construct_report_dirpath(self.reports_dir, filename) filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) while True: try: with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf8") as jsonf: json.dump( data, jsonf, default = mentat.idea.internal.Idea.json_default, sort_keys = True, indent = 4 ) break except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(dirpath) zipfilepath = "{}.zip".format(filepath) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilepath, mode = 'w') as zipf: zipf.write(filepath, compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) return filepath, zipfilepath def _save_to_files(self, data, filename): """ Helper method for saving given data into given file. This method can be used for saving copies of report messages to disk. :param dict data: Data to be serialized. :param str filename: Name of the target file. :return: Path to the created file. :rtype: str """ dirpath = mentat.const.construct_report_dirpath(self.reports_dir, filename) filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) while True: try: with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf8") as imf: imf.write(data) break except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(dirpath) zipfilepath = "{}.zip".format(filepath) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilepath, mode = 'w') as zipf: zipf.write(filepath, compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) return filepath, zipfilepath
[docs] def render_report(self, report, settings, template_vars=None, srcip=None): if template_vars: self._get_event_class_data(template_vars["default_event_class"]) for c in set(report.structured_data["regular"]) | set(report.structured_data["relapsed"]): self._get_event_class_data(c) # Render report section. template = self.renderer.get_template( '{}.{}_v2.txt.j2'.format(settings.template, report.type) ) # Force locale to given value. self.set_locale(settings.locale) # Force timezone to given value. self.set_timezone(settings.timezone) return template.render( dt_c=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), report=report, source=srcip, settings=settings, text_width=REPORT_EMAIL_TEXT_WIDTH, additional_vars=template_vars, event_classes_data=self.event_classes_data )
def _get_recipients(self, groups, severity): severities = ['low', 'medium', 'high', 'critical'] to = [] cc = [] for group in groups: i = severities.index(severity) while i >= 0: if self.settings_dict[group].emails[i]: if not to: to = self.settings_dict[group].emails[i] else: for email in self.settings_dict[group].emails[i]: if email not in to and email not in cc: cc.append(email) i -= 1 return to, cc def _mail_report(self, report, settings, groups, fallback_groups, result, template_vars, srcip=None): """ Construct email report object and send it. """ to, cc = self._get_recipients(groups, report.severity) # Use fallback option if no email addresses are found for the given severity. if not to: to, cc = self._get_recipients(fallback_groups, report.severity) to = to if to else self.global_fallback"No email addresses found for the given severity, using fallback: %s", to) # Common report email headers. report_msg_headers = { 'to': to, 'cc': cc, 'report_id': report.label, 'report_type': report.type, 'report_severity': report.severity, 'report_evcount': report.evcount_rep, 'report_window': '{}___{}'.format(report.dt_from.isoformat(), report.dt_to.isoformat()), 'report_testdata': report.flag_testdata } message = self.render_report(report, settings, template_vars, srcip) # Report email headers specific for 'summary' reports. if report.type == mentat.const.REPORTING_MODE_SUMMARY: report_msg_headers['subject'] = self.translator.gettext(REPORT_SUBJECT_SUMMARY).format( report.label, self.translator.gettext(report.severity).title() ) # Report email headers specific for 'extra' reports. else: report_msg_headers['subject'] = self.translator.gettext(REPORT_SUBJECT_EXTRA).format( report.label, self.translator.gettext(report.severity).title(), srcip ) report_msg_headers['report_id_par'] = report.parent.label report_msg_headers['report_srcip'] = srcip report_msg_params = { 'text_plain': message, 'attachments': [] } report_msg = self.mailer.email_send( ReportEmail, report_msg_headers, report_msg_params, settings.redirect ) report.flag_mailed = True report.mail_to = list(map(lambda x: 'to:' + str(x), to)) + list(map(lambda x: 'cc:' + str(x), cc)) report.mail_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() result['mail_to'] = list( set( result.get('mail_to', []) + report_msg.get_destinations() ) )