Source code for hawat.blueprints.users.forms

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This module contains custom user account management forms for Hawat.

__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import pytz
import sqlalchemy
import wtforms
from wtforms_sqlalchemy.fields import QuerySelectField, QuerySelectMultipleField
from flask_babel import gettext, lazy_gettext

import hawat.db
import hawat.const
import hawat.forms
from hawat.forms import check_login, get_available_groups
from mentat.datatype.sqldb import UserModel

[docs]def check_id_existence(form, field): """ Callback for validating user logins during account create action. """ try: hawat.db.db_get().session.query(UserModel). \ filter(UserModel.login == \ one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: return except: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,bare-except pass raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(gettext('User account with this login already exists.'))
[docs]def check_id_uniqueness(form, field): """ Callback for validating user logins during account update action. """ user = hawat.db.db_get().session.query(UserModel). \ filter(UserModel.login == \ filter( != form.db_item_id). \ all() if not user: return raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(gettext('User account with this login already exists.'))
[docs]class BaseUserAccountForm(hawat.forms.BaseItemForm): """ Class representing base user account form. """ fullname = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Full name:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3, max=100), hawat.forms.check_null_character ] ) email = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Email:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3, max=250), wtforms.validators.Email() ] ) organization = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Home organization:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3, max=250), hawat.forms.check_null_character ] ) locale = hawat.forms.SelectFieldWithNone( lazy_gettext('Prefered locale:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], choices=[('', lazy_gettext('<< no preference >>'))], filters=[lambda x: x or None], default='' ) timezone = hawat.forms.SelectFieldWithNone( lazy_gettext('Prefered timezone:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional(), ], choices=[('', lazy_gettext('<< no preference >>'))] + list(zip(pytz.common_timezones, pytz.common_timezones)), filters=[lambda x: x or None], default='' ) submit = wtforms.SubmitField( lazy_gettext('Submit') ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # Handle additional custom keywords. # # The list of choices for 'locale' attribute comes from outside of the # form to provide as loose tie as possible to the outer application. # Another approach would be to load available choices here with: # # locales = list(flask.current_app.config['SUPPORTED_LOCALES'].items()) # # That would mean direct dependency on flask.Flask application. self.locale.choices[1:] = kwargs['choices_locales']
[docs]class AdminUserAccountForm(BaseUserAccountForm): """ Class representing base user account form for admins. """ enabled = wtforms.RadioField( lazy_gettext('State:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.InputRequired(), ], choices=[ (True, lazy_gettext('Enabled')), (False, lazy_gettext('Disabled')) ], filters=[hawat.forms.str_to_bool], coerce=hawat.forms.str_to_bool ) roles = wtforms.SelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Roles:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ] ) memberships = QuerySelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Group memberships:'), query_factory=get_available_groups ) managements = QuerySelectMultipleField( lazy_gettext('Group managements:'), query_factory=get_available_groups ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # Handle additional custom keywords. # # The list of choices for 'roles' attribute comes from outside of the # form to provide as loose tie as possible to the outer application. # Another approach would be to load available choices here with: # # roles = flask.current_app.config['ROLES'] # # That would mean direct dependency on flask.Flask application. self.roles.choices = kwargs['choices_roles']
[docs]class CreateUserAccountForm(AdminUserAccountForm): """ Class representing user account create form. """ login = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Login:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3, max=50), check_login, check_id_existence, hawat.forms.check_null_character ] )
[docs]class UpdateUserAccountForm(BaseUserAccountForm): """ Class representing user account update form for regular users. """
[docs]class AdminUpdateUserAccountForm(AdminUserAccountForm): """ Class representing user account update form for administrators. """ login = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Login:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3, max=50), hawat.forms.check_login, check_id_uniqueness, hawat.forms.check_null_character ] ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # Handle additional custom keywords. # # Store the ID of original item in database to enable the ID uniqueness # check with check_id_uniqueness() validator. self.db_item_id = kwargs['db_item_id']
[docs]class UserSearchForm(hawat.forms.BaseSearchForm): """ Class representing simple user search form. """ search = wtforms.StringField( lazy_gettext('Login, name, email:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=3, max=100), hawat.forms.check_null_character ], filters=[ lambda x: x or '', str.strip ], description=lazy_gettext( 'User`s login, full name or email address. Search is performed even in the middle of the strings, so for example you may lookup by domain.') ) dt_from = hawat.forms.SmartDateTimeField( lazy_gettext('Creation time from:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], description=lazy_gettext( 'Lower time boundary for item creation time. Timestamp is expected to be in the format <code>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</code> and in the timezone according to the user`s preferences.') ) dt_to = hawat.forms.SmartDateTimeField( lazy_gettext('Creation time to:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], description=lazy_gettext( 'Upper time boundary for item creation time. Timestamp is expected to be in the format <code>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</code> and in the timezone according to the user`s preferences.') ) state = wtforms.SelectField( lazy_gettext('State:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional(), ], choices=[ ('', lazy_gettext('Nothing selected')), ('enabled', lazy_gettext('Enabled')), ('disabled', lazy_gettext('Disabled')) ], default='', description=lazy_gettext('Search for users with particular account state.') ) role = wtforms.SelectField( lazy_gettext('Role:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], default='', description=lazy_gettext('Search for users with particular role, or without any assigned roles.') ) membership = QuerySelectField( lazy_gettext('Group membership:'), query_factory=get_available_groups, allow_blank=True, description=lazy_gettext('Search for users with membership with particular group.') ) management = QuerySelectField( lazy_gettext('Group management:'), query_factory=get_available_groups, allow_blank=True, description=lazy_gettext('Search for users with management rights to particular group.') ) sortby = wtforms.SelectField( lazy_gettext('Sort result by:'), validators=[ wtforms.validators.Optional() ], choices=[ ('createtime.desc', lazy_gettext('by creation time descending')), ('createtime.asc', lazy_gettext('by creation time ascending')), ('login.desc', lazy_gettext('by login descending')), ('login.asc', lazy_gettext('by login ascending')), ('fullname.desc', lazy_gettext('by name descending')), ('fullname.asc', lazy_gettext('by name ascending')), ('email.desc', lazy_gettext('by email descending')), ('email.asc', lazy_gettext('by email ascending')), ('logintime.desc', lazy_gettext('by login time descending')), ('logintime.asc', lazy_gettext('by login time ascending')), ], default='fullname.asc' ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # Handle additional custom keywords. # # The list of choices for 'roles' attribute comes from outside of the # form to provide as loose tie as possible to the outer application. # Another approach would be to load available choices here with: # # roles = flask.current_app.config['ROLES'] # # That would mean direct dependency on flask.Flask application. self.role.choices = [ ('', lazy_gettext('Nothing selected')), (hawat.const.NO_ROLE, lazy_gettext('Without any roles')) ] + kwargs['choices_roles']
[docs] @staticmethod def is_multivalue(field_name): """ Check, if given form field is a multivalue field. :param str field_name: Name of the form field. :return: ``True``, if the field can contain multiple values, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return False