Source code for hawat.blueprints.users.test.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
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Unit test utilities for :py:mod:`hawat.blueprints.users`.

[docs]class UsersTestCaseMixin: """Mixin class with unit test framework for testing user account management endpoints.""" def _attempt_fail_list(self): """Check access to ``users.list`` endpoint and fail.""" self.assertGetURL( '/users/list', 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_list(self, content_checks=None): """Check access to ``users.list`` endpoint and succeed.""" if content_checks is None: content_checks = [ b'Show details of user account &quot;user&quot;', b'Show details of user account &quot;developer&quot;', b'Show details of user account &quot;maintainer&quot;', b'Show details of user account &quot;admin&quot;' ] self.assertGetURL( '/users/list', 200, content_checks ) def _attempt_fail_show(self, uname): """Check access to ```` endpoint and fail.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/show'.format(uid), 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_show(self, uname): """Check access to ```` endpoint and succeed.""" with uobj = self.user_get(uname) uid = ufname = uobj.fullname self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/show'.format(uid), 200, [ '<h3>{} ({})</h3>'.format(ufname, uname).encode('utf8'), b'<strong>Account created:</strong>' ] ) def _attempt_fail_create(self): """Check access to ``users.create`` endpoint and fail.""" self.assertGetURL( '/users/create', 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_create(self, data): """Check access to ``users.create`` endpoint and succeed.""" self.assertCreate( self.user_model(), '/users/create', data, [ 'User account <strong>{}</strong> was successfully created.'.format(data[0][1]).encode('utf8') ] ) self._attempt_succeed_show( data[0][1] ) self._attempt_succeed_list( [ 'Show details of user account &quot;{}&quot;'.format(data[0][1]).encode('utf8') ] ) def _attempt_fail_update(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.update`` endpoint and fail.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/update'.format(uid), 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_update(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.update`` endpoint and succeed.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/update'.format(uid), 200, [ b'Update user account details' ] ) def _attempt_fail_enable(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.enable`` endpoint and fail.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/enable'.format(uid), 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_enable(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.enable`` endpoint and succeed.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.mailbox_monitoring('on') self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/enable'.format(uid), 200, [ b'Are you really sure you want to enable following item:' ] ) self.assertPostURL( '/users/{}/enable'.format(uid), { 'submit': 'Confirm' }, 200, [ b'was successfully enabled.' ] ) self.assertMailbox( { 'subject': [ '[{}] Account activation - {}'.format(['APPLICATION_NAME'], uname) ], 'sender': [ 'root@unittest' ], 'recipients': [ ['{}'.format(uname)] ], 'cc': [[]], 'bcc': [['admin@unittest']] } ) self.mailbox_monitoring('off') self.mailbox_clear() def _attempt_fail_disable(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.disable`` endpoint and fail.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/disable'.format(uid), 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_disable(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.disable`` endpoint and succeed.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/disable'.format(uid), 200, [ b'Are you really sure you want to disable following item:' ] ) self.assertPostURL( '/users/{}/disable'.format(uid), { 'submit': 'Confirm' }, 200, [ b'was successfully disabled.' ] ) def _attempt_fail_delete(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.delete`` endpoint and fail.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/delete'.format(uid), 403 ) def _attempt_succeed_delete(self, uname): """Check access to ``users.delete`` endpoint and succeed.""" uid = self.user_id(uname, with_app_ctx=True) self.assertGetURL( '/users/{}/delete'.format(uid), 200, [ b'Are you really sure you want to permanently remove following item:' ] ) self.assertPostURL( '/users/{}/delete'.format(uid), { 'submit': 'Confirm' }, 200, [ b'was successfully and permanently deleted.' ] )