Source code for mentat.daemon.component.test_filer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Unit test module for testing the :py:mod:`mentat.daemon.component.filer` module.

__author__  = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import unittest
from unittest.mock import call

import os
import shutil

from mentat.daemon.component.testsuite import DaemonComponentTestCase
from mentat.daemon.component.filer import FilerDaemonComponent

# Global variables
DIRQ = '/tmp/filer.tmpd'     # Name of the test directory queue
DIRD = '/tmp/filer.out.tmpd' # Name of the output test directory queue

[docs]class TestMentatDaemonFiler(DaemonComponentTestCase): """ Unit test class for testing the :py:mod:`mentat.daemon.component.filer` module. """
[docs] def setUp(self): # WARNING: Do not forget to call parent version of setUp() method !!! super().setUp() # Override settings for verbose output self.verbose = False self.component = FilerDaemonComponent() try: qdir_name = DIRQ os.mkdir(qdir_name) except FileExistsError: pass try: qdir_name = DIRD os.mkdir(qdir_name) except FileExistsError: pass
[docs] def tearDown(self): # WARNING: Do not forget to call parent version of setUp() method !!! super().setUp() shutil.rmtree(DIRQ) shutil.rmtree(DIRD)
def _get_daemon_mock(self): return self._build_daemon_mock( [ None, None, 3, ], # [ {"dir_next_queue": DIRD, "dir_queue": DIRQ, "queue_out_limit": 100, "queue_out_wait": 3, "queue_perms": 0o775 }, {"dir_next_queue": DIRD, "dir_queue": DIRQ, "queue_out_limit": 100, "queue_out_wait": 3, "queue_perms": 0o775 }, {"dir_next_queue": DIRD, "dir_queue": DIRQ, "queue_out_limit": 100, "queue_out_wait": 3, "queue_perms": 0o775 }, {"dir_next_queue": DIRD, "dir_queue": DIRQ, "queue_out_limit": 100, "queue_out_wait": 3, "queue_perms": 0o775 }, {"dir_next_queue": DIRD, "dir_queue": DIRQ, "queue_out_limit": 100, "queue_out_wait": 3, "queue_perms": 0o775 }, {"dir_next_queue": DIRD, "dir_queue": DIRQ, "queue_out_limit": 100, "queue_out_wait": 3, "queue_perms": 0o775 }, ] )
[docs] def test_01_setup(self): """ Perform the component setup tests. """ self.maxDiff = None # Prepare mock object representing external daemon object. daemon = self._get_daemon_mock() # Setup daemon component. self.component.setup(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST01: Daemon mock calls after component setup", daemon.mock_calls) daemon.dbgout.assert_has_calls([ call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'queue_check' mapped to 'queue_check'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_enqueue' mapped to 'message_enqueue'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_next' mapped to 'message_next'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_update' mapped to 'message_update'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_commit' mapped to 'message_commit'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_banish' mapped to 'message_banish'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_cancel' mapped to 'message_cancel'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_dispatch' mapped to 'message_dispatch'"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Event 'message_duplicate' mapped to 'message_duplicate'") ]) daemon.logger.debug.assert_has_calls([])[ call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Using directory '/tmp/filer.tmpd' as input message queue"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Using '3' as wait time for empty input message queue"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Using directory '/tmp/filer.out.tmpd' as output message queue"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Using '100' as output message queue limit"), call("[STATUS] Component 'filer': Using '3' as wait time for full output message queue") ])
[docs] def test_02_enqueue(self): """ Perform the test of 'cbk_event_message_enqueue'. """ self.maxDiff = None # Prepare mock object representing external daemon object. daemon = self._get_daemon_mock() # Setup daemon component. self.component.setup(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST02: Daemon mock calls after component setup", daemon.mock_calls) # Reset mock, so that further testing is more simple. daemon.reset_mock() (flag1, args1) = self.component.cbk_event_message_enqueue(daemon, {'data': '{"test1": 1, "test2": 2}'}) self._verbose_print("TEST02: Daemon mock calls after first message enqueue", daemon.mock_calls) (flag2, args2) = self.component.cbk_event_message_enqueue(daemon, {'data': ''}) self._verbose_print("TEST02: Daemon mock calls after second message enqueue", daemon.mock_calls) daemon.logger.debug.assert_has_calls([ call("Component 'filer': Adding new message into the queue"), call("Component 'filer': Adding new message into the queue") ])[ call("Component 'filer': Added new message into the queue as '{}'".format(args1['id'])), call("Component 'filer': Added new message into the queue as '{}'".format(args2['id'])) ])
[docs] def test_03_next(self): """ Perform the test of 'cbk_event_message_next'. """ self.maxDiff = None # Prepare mock object representing external daemon object. daemon = self._get_daemon_mock() # Setup daemon component. self.component.setup(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST03: Daemon mock calls after component setup", daemon.mock_calls) # Reset mock, so that further testing is more simple. daemon.reset_mock() msg01 = {'data': '{"test1": 1, "test2": 2}'} msg02 = {'data': ''} (flag1, args1) = self.component.cbk_event_message_enqueue(daemon, msg01) (flag2, args2) = self.component.cbk_event_message_enqueue(daemon, msg02) self._verbose_print("TEST03: Daemon mock calls after all message enqueue calls", daemon.mock_calls) (flag3, args3) = self.component.cbk_event_message_next(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST03: Daemon mock calls after first message next call", daemon.mock_calls) (flag4, args4) = self.component.cbk_event_message_next(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST03: Daemon mock calls after second message next call", daemon.mock_calls) (flag5, args5) = self.component.cbk_event_message_next(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST03: Daemon mock calls after all message next calls", daemon.mock_calls) daemon.logger.debug.assert_has_calls([ call("Component 'filer': Adding new message into the queue"), call("Component 'filer': Adding new message into the queue"), call("Component 'filer': Fetching a next message from queue"), call("Component 'filer': Fetching a next message from queue"), call("Component 'filer': Fetched message '{}'".format(args1['id'])), call("Component 'filer': Fetching a next message from queue") ], any_order = True)[ call("Component 'filer': Added new message into the queue as '{}'".format(args1['id'])), call("Component 'filer': Added new message into the queue as '{}'".format(args2['id'])), call("Component 'filer': Scheduling next queue check after '3' seconds") ]) daemon.queue.schedule.assert_has_calls([ call('message_banish', {'id': args2['id']}), call('message_process', {'id': args1['id'], 'data': msg01['data']}), call('message_next') ], any_order = True)
[docs] def test_04_update(self): """ Perform the test of 'cbk_event_message_update'. """ self.maxDiff = None # Prepare mock object representing external daemon object. daemon = self._get_daemon_mock() # Setup daemon component. self.component.setup(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST04: Daemon mock calls after component setup", daemon.mock_calls) # Reset mock, so that further testing is more simple. daemon.reset_mock() msg01 = {'data': '{"test1": 1, "test2": 2}'} (flag1, args1) = self.component.cbk_event_message_enqueue(daemon, msg01) self._verbose_print("TEST04: Daemon mock calls after all message enqueue calls", daemon.mock_calls) (flag2, args2) = self.component.cbk_event_message_next(daemon) self._verbose_print("TEST04: Daemon mock calls after first message next call", daemon.mock_calls) (flag3, args3) = self.component.cbk_event_message_update(daemon, args1) self._verbose_print("TEST04: Daemon mock calls after message update call", daemon.mock_calls) (flag3, args3) = self.component.cbk_event_message_update(daemon, {'id': 'bogus', 'data': {}}) self._verbose_print("TEST04: Daemon mock calls after invalid message update call", daemon.mock_calls) daemon.logger.debug.assert_has_calls([ call("Component 'filer': Adding new message into the queue"), call("Component 'filer': Fetching a next message from queue"), call("Component 'filer': Fetched message '{}'".format(args1['id'])), call("Component 'filer': Updating message '{}'".format(args1['id'])), call("Component 'filer': Updating message 'bogus'") ])[ call("Component 'filer': Added new message into the queue as '{}'".format(args1['id'])) ]) daemon.logger.error.assert_has_calls([ call("Component 'filer': Unable to update message 'bogus': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/filer.tmpd/pending/bogus'") ]) daemon.queue.schedule.assert_has_calls([ call('message_process', {'id': args1['id'], 'data': '{"test1": 1, "test2": 2}'}), call('message_next') ])
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()