Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

This Mentat application plugin provides functions for sending emails. It
is usable both in script and daemon modules.

Example usage

Using the plugin like in following way::

That will yield following results:

* The application object will have a ``mailerservice`` attribute containing reference to
  mailer service represented by :py:class:``.


__author__  = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import smtplib
import weakref
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

# Custom libraries.
import pyzenkit.baseapp

[docs]class MailerPlugin(pyzenkit.baseapp.ZenAppPlugin): """ Implementation of Mentat application plugin providing functions for sending emails. """ # # Class constants. # # List of configuration keys. CONFIG_MAIL_SUBJECT = 'mail_subject' CONFIG_MAIL_FROM = 'mail_from' CONFIG_MAIL_TO = 'mail_to' CONFIG_MAIL_CC = 'mail_cc' CONFIG_MAIL_BCC = 'mail_bcc' CONFIG_MAIL_REPLY_TO = 'mail_reply_to' CONFIG_MAIL_RETURN_PATH = 'mail_return_path' CONFIG_MAIL_ADMIN = 'mail_admin' CONFIG_MAIL_TEST_MODE = 'mail_test_mode' CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_MODE = 'mail_dev_mode' CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_SERVER = 'mail_dev_server' CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_PORT = 'mail_dev_port' def __init__(self, settings = None): """ Initialize internal plugin configuration. """ self.get_application = None if settings is None: settings = {} self.settings = settings #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_argparser(self, app, argparser, **kwargs): """ Callback to be called during argparser initialization phase. """ # # Create and populate options group for custom script arguments. # arggroup_plugin = argparser.add_argument_group('mailer plugin arguments') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-subject', type = str, default = None, help = 'email subject') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-from', type = str, default = None, help = 'source email address') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-to', type = str, default = None, help = 'target email address (repeatable)', action='append') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-cc', type = str, default = None, help = 'target copy email address (repeatable)', action='append') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-bcc', type = str, default = None, help = 'target blind copy email address (repeatable)', action='append') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-reply-to', type = str, default = None, help = 'reply to email address (repeatable)', action='append') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-return-path', type = str, default = None, help = 'return address for undeliverable emails') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-admin', type = str, default = None, help = 'admin email address (repeatable)', action='append') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-dev-server', type = str, default = None, help = 'development SMTP server hostname') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-dev-port', type = int, default = None, help = 'development SMTP server port') arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-test-mode', help = 'send emails in test mode (flag)', action = 'store_true', default = None) arggroup_plugin.add_argument('--mail-dev-mode', help = 'send emails in development mode (flag)', action = 'store_true', default = None) return argparser
[docs] def init_config(self, app, config, **kwargs): """ Callback to be called during default configuration initialization phase. """ config.update({ self.CONFIG_MAIL_SUBJECT: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_FROM: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_TO: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_CC: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_BCC: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_REPLY_TO: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_RETURN_PATH: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_ADMIN: 'root', self.CONFIG_MAIL_TEST_MODE: False, self.CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_MODE: False, self.CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_SERVER: None, self.CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_PORT: None }) return config
[docs] def configure(self, app): """ Configure application. This method will be called from :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp._configure_plugins` and it further updates current application configurations. This method is part of the **setup** stage of application`s life cycle. :param app: Reference to the parent application. """
[docs] def setup(self, app): """ Configure application. This method will be called from :py:func:`pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp._stage_setup_plugins` and it further updates current application configurations. This method is part of the **setup** stage of application`s life cycle. :param app: Reference to the parent application. """ self.get_application = weakref.ref(app) app.mailerservice = self app.logger.debug("[STATUS] Set up mailer service plugin.")
[docs] @staticmethod def mail_sendmail(email): """ Send given email directly through local sendmail binary. This method is usefull for fire and forget scenarios. :param mentat.emails.base.BaseEmail email: Email object. """ envelope_from = email.get_header( 'return-path', email.get_header('from') ) with Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t", "-oi", "-f", envelope_from], stdin=PIPE) as proc: proc.communicate(bytes(email.as_string(), 'UTF-8'))
[docs] @staticmethod def mail_smtplib(email, server, port): """ Send given email via smtplib. :param mentat.emails.base.BaseEmail email: Email object. """ envelope_from = email.get_header( 'return-path', email.get_header('from') ) server = server or 'localhost' port = port or 25 with smtplib.SMTP(server, port) as smtp: smtp.send_message(email, from_addr = envelope_from)
[docs] def email_send(self, email_class, email_headers, email_params, flag_redirect = False): """ Create email according to given class, headers and parameters and send it via :py:func:`mail_sendmail` method. :param class email_class: Email class to be instantinated. :param dict email_headers: Explicitly specified email headers. :param dict email_params: Additional email class constructor parameters. :param bool flag_redirect: Redirect email from original recipient to administrator. :return: Constructed email object. :rtype: mentat.emails.base.BaseEmail """ if flag_redirect or self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_TEST_MODE): self.get_application() "Redirecting report {} to {} from original {} (rdr: {}, mtm: {})".format( email_headers.get('report_id', 'None'), self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_ADMIN), email_headers.get('to', 'None'), str(flag_redirect), str(self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_TEST_MODE)) ) ) email_headers['to'] = self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_ADMIN) if 'cc' in email_headers and email_headers['cc']: self.get_application() "Modifying report {}: header cc changed from {} to [] (rdr: {}, mtm: {})".format( email_headers.get('report_id', 'None'), email_headers.get('cc', '[]'), str(flag_redirect), str(self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_TEST_MODE)) ) ) email_headers['cc'] = [] else: for item in ( (self.CONFIG_MAIL_TO, 'to'), (self.CONFIG_MAIL_CC, 'cc'), (self.CONFIG_MAIL_BCC, 'bcc')): if self.get_application().c(item[0]): self.get_application() "Modifying report {}: header {} changed from {} to {}".format( email_headers.get('report_id', 'None'), item[1], email_headers.get(item[1], 'None'), self.get_application().c(item[0]) ) ) email_headers[item[1]] = self.get_application().c(item[0]) for item in ( (self.CONFIG_MAIL_SUBJECT, 'subject'), (self.CONFIG_MAIL_FROM, 'from'), (self.CONFIG_MAIL_REPLY_TO, 'reply_to'), (self.CONFIG_MAIL_RETURN_PATH, 'return_path')): if self.get_application().c(item[0]): self.get_application() "Modifying report {}: header {} changed from {} to {}".format( email_headers.get('report_id', 'None'), item[1], email_headers.get(item[1], 'None'), self.get_application().c(item[0]) ) ) email_headers[item[1]] = self.get_application().c(item[0]) self.get_application()"Sending email: '{}'".format(str(email_headers))) msg = email_class(email_headers, **email_params) if self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_MODE): self.mail_smtplib( msg, self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_SERVER), self.get_application().c(self.CONFIG_MAIL_DEV_PORT) ) else: self.mail_sendmail(msg) return msg