Source code for pyzenkit.tests.test_zendaemon

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of PyZenKit package.
# Copyright (C) since 2016 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Copyright (C) since 2015 Honza Mach <>
# Use of this package is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
# This project was initially written for personal use of the original author. Later
# it was developed much further and used for project of author`s employer.

Unit test module for testing the :py:mod:`pyzenkit.zendaemon` module.

__author__ = "Honza Mach <>"

import unittest

import os
import shutil

import pyzenkit.baseapp
import pyzenkit.zendaemon

# Global variables
APP_NAME      = ''
CFG_FILE_NAME = pyzenkit.zendaemon.DemoZenDaemon.get_resource_path('/tmp/{}.conf'.format(APP_NAME))
CFG_DIR_NAME  = pyzenkit.zendaemon.DemoZenDaemon.get_resource_path('/tmp/{}'.format(APP_NAME))

[docs]class TestPyzenkitZenDaemon(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit test class for testing the :py:class:`pyzenkit.zendaemon.ZenDaemon` class. """
[docs] def disabledsetUp(self): pyzenkit.baseapp.BaseApp.json_save(CFG_FILE_NAME, {'test': 'x'}) try: os.mkdir(CFG_DIR_NAME) except FileExistsError: pass self.obj = pyzenkit.zendaemon.DemoZenDaemon( name = APP_NAME, description = 'TestZenDaemon - Testing daemon' )
[docs] def disabledtearDown(self): os.remove(CFG_FILE_NAME) shutil.rmtree(CFG_DIR_NAME)
[docs] def disabledtest_01_calc_statistics(self): """ Perform the test of statistics calculation. """ self.maxDiff = None result = pyzenkit.zendaemon.calc_statistics( {'cnt_test_a1': 50, 'cnt_test_a2': 100, 'sub': {'cnt_test_b1': 500, 'cnt_test_b2': 1000}}, {}, 50 ) self.assertEqual( result, { 'cnt_test_a1': {'cnt': 50, 'inc': 50, 'pct': 100.0, 'spd': 1.0}, 'cnt_test_a2': {'cnt': 100, 'inc': 100, 'pct': 100.0, 'spd': 2.0}, 'sub': { 'cnt_test_b1': {'cnt': 500, 'inc': 500, 'pct': 100.0, 'spd': 10.0}, 'cnt_test_b2': {'cnt': 1000, 'inc': 1000, 'pct': 100.0, 'spd': 20.0}} } )
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": #unittest.main() pass