Source code for pynspect.filters

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Pynspect package (
# Originally part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2016 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Copyright (C) since 2016 Jan Mach <>
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

This module provides tools for data filtering based on filtering and query

The filtering grammar is thoroughly described in following modules:

* :py:mod:`pynspect.lexer`

  Lexical analyzer, descriptions of valid grammar tokens.

* :py:mod:`pynspect.gparser`

  Grammar parser, language grammar description

* :py:mod:`pynspect.rules`

  Object representation of grammar rules, interface definition

* :py:mod:`pynspect.jpath`

  The addressing language JPath.

Please refer to appropriate module for more in-depth information.

There are following main tools in this package:

* :py:class:`DataObjectFilter`

  Tool capable of filtering data structures according to given filtering rules.

Available filtering functions

* ``size``

    Return the size/length of given list. This enables writing rules like events
    with more than five source addressess::

        size(Source.IP4) > 5

* ``time``

    Return current Unix timestamp as ``float``.

* ``utcnow``

    Return current date and time in UTC timezone. This enables writing rules like
    events with detection time older than two hours::

        DetectTime < (utcnow() - 02:00:00)

Example filters

Following is a non exhaustive list of example filtering rules::

    DetectTime < (utcnow() - 02:00:00)
    exists EventTime and exists DetectTime and EventTime > DetectTime
    Category in ['Anomaly.Connection'] and Source.Type in ['Booter']
    Category in ['Attempt.Exploit'] and (Target.Port in [3306] or Source.Proto in ['mysql'] or Target.Proto in ['mysql'])

.. warning::

    Be carefull with the grammar function names. Currently, there is a flaw in the expression
    grammar that forbids using function names that begin with the same characters as
    grammar keywords like 'and', 'le', 'like', etc. For example the name 'len' is not
    a valid function name, because there is a collision with 'le' comparison operator.

.. todo::

    There is quite a lot of code that needs to be written before actual filtering
    can take place. In the future, there should be some kind of object, that will
    be tailored for immediate processing and will take care of initializing
    uderlying parser, compiler and filter. This object will be designed later.


__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>"

import time
import datetime

from pynspect.rules import FilteringRuleException
from pynspect.traversers import BaseFilteringTreeTraverser
from pynspect.jpath import jpath_values


[docs]def grfcbk_size(args): """ Grammar rule function callback: **size**. This function will count the size of first item in argument list. :param list args: List of function arguments. :return: Size of the first item in argument list. :rtype: int """ return len(args[0])
[docs]def grfcbk_strlen(args): """ Grammar rule function callback: **strlen**. This function will measure the string length of all subitems of the first item in argument list. :param list args: List of function arguments. :return: Length of all subitems of the first item in argument list. :rtype: int or list """ if not args[0]: return None if isinstance(args[0], list): return [len(x) for x in args[0]] return len(args[0])
[docs]def grfcbk_time(args): """ Grammar rule function callback: **time**. This function will call the :py:func:`time.time` function and return the result. :param list args: List of function arguments. Should be empty, but :return: The time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number. :rtype: float """ if args: raise FilteringRuleException("The 'time' function does not take any arguments.") return time.time()
[docs]def grfcbk_utcnow(args): """ Grammar rule function callback: **utcnow**. This function will call the :py:func:`datetime.datetime.utcnow` function and return the result. :param list args: List of function arguments. Should be empty, but :return: Current datetime in UTC timezone. :rtype: datetime.datetime """ if args: raise FilteringRuleException("The 'utcnow' function does not take any arguments.") return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
[docs]class DataObjectFilter(BaseFilteringTreeTraverser): """ Rule tree traverser implementing default object filtering logic. Following example demonstrates DataObjectFilter usage in conjuction with PynspectFilterParser:: >>> flt = DataObjectFilter() >>> psr = PynspectFilterParser() >>> >>> rule = psr.parse('ID like "e214d2d9"') >>> result = flt.filter(rule, test_msg) You may use the built-in shortcuts for parsing and compiling rules: >>> flt = DataObjectFilter( ... parser = PynspectFilterParser, ... compiler = IDEAFilterCompiler ... ) >>> rule = flt.prepare('(Source.IP4 ==') >>> result = flt.filter(rule, test_msg) Rule tree can be created by hand/programatically: >>> rule = ComparisonBinOpRule('OP_GT', VariableRule("ConnCount"), IntegerRule(1)) >>> result = flt.filter(rule, test_msg) """ def __init__(self, parser = None, compiler = None): super(DataObjectFilter, self).__init__() self.register_function('size', grfcbk_size) self.register_function('strlen', grfcbk_strlen) self.register_function('time', grfcbk_time) self.register_function('utcnow', grfcbk_utcnow) self.parser = parser self.compiler = compiler if callable(self.parser): self.parser = self.parser() if callable(self.compiler): self.compiler = self.compiler()
[docs] def prepare(self, rule): """ Parse and/or compile given rule into rule tree. :param rule: Filtering grammar rule. :return: Parsed and/or compiled rule. """ if self.parser: rule = self.parser.parse(rule) if self.compiler: rule = self.compiler.compile(rule) return rule
[docs] def filter(self, rule, data): """ Apply given filtering rule to given data structure. :param pynspect.rules.Rule rule: filtering rule to be checked :param any data: data structure to check against rule, ussually dict :return: True or False or expression result :rtype: bool or any """ return rule.traverse(self, obj = data)
[docs] def ipv4(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.ipv4` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def ipv6(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.ipv6` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def datetime(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.datetime` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def timedelta(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.timedelta` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def integer(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.integer` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def float(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.float` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def constant(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.constant` interface. """ return rule.value
[docs] def variable(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.variable` interface. """ return jpath_values(kwargs['obj'], rule.value)
[docs] def list(self, rule, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.list` interface. """ return rule.values()
[docs] def binary_operation_logical(self, rule, left, right, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.binary_operation_logical` interface. """ return self.evaluate_binop_logical(rule.operation, left, right, **kwargs)
[docs] def binary_operation_comparison(self, rule, left, right, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.binary_operation_comparison` interface. """ return self.evaluate_binop_comparison(rule.operation, left, right, **kwargs)
[docs] def binary_operation_math(self, rule, left, right, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.binary_operation_math` interface. """ return self.evaluate_binop_math(rule.operation, left, right, **kwargs)
[docs] def unary_operation(self, rule, right, **kwargs): """ Implementation of :py:func:`pynspect.traversers.RuleTreeTraverser.unary_operation` interface. """ return self.evaluate_unop(rule.operation, right, **kwargs)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Perform the demonstration. # if __name__ == "__main__": import pprint from pynspect.rules import IntegerRule, VariableRule, ComparisonBinOpRule DEMO_DATA = {"Test": 15, "Attr": "ABC"} DEMO_RULE = ComparisonBinOpRule('OP_GT', VariableRule("Test"), IntegerRule(10)) DEMO_FILTER = DataObjectFilter() pprint.pprint(DEMO_FILTER.filter(DEMO_RULE, DEMO_DATA))